Old Cameras Bonus video on the REACT channel:
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The kids play with another old piece of technology, an old camera! Find out if they can figure out how to take a picture!

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Created and Directed by Benny & Rafi Fine (The Fine Brothers)
Follow FBE:
SNAPCHAT: finebros
P.O. BOX 4324
Valley Village, CA 91617-4324
This episode featured the following amazing kids!
Sydney, age 7
Niki, age 8
Chloe, age 10
Krischelle, age 10
Shannon, age 10
Tyler, age 10
Addy, age 11
Morgan A., age 11
Tyler F., age 11
Claudia, age 12
Thomas, age 13
Music by Joseph Carrillo

Additional music:

KIDS REACT #116 – Old Cameras

© FBE, Inc

  1. Emily Meehan says

    this makes me feel old just watching them figure it out.

  2. Kids don't understand the righteous age of the 1900's

  3. Jazmin Barrientos says

    To be honest it's really not that old. I was born in 2001 and I remember standing in the store waiting excitedly for the photos 🙂 I would get my parents really mad because I'd waste the film on silly pictures of me xD

  4. Ritika Nayak says

    Did u actually live back then… unfortunately must be very old!

  5. Andrea H says

    Camera chips?!

  6. Benjamin Nieves says

    I have one of those cameras and I still use it and redeem the pics at Walgreen's

  7. Fam Maclean says

    Actually this isn't that old. The film rolls itself automatically and there is a zoom function.

  8. Yeti v2 says

    Polaroid camera FTW

  9. Alexander Lariviere says

    I remember having a camera like that

  10. Jeremy Xu says

    Since I just got a 1915 Seneca Camera, I love how all these kids think THAT is hard, complicated, and old XD

  11. uhhhscizo says

    She said snap when you told her she's not watching a video

  12. I was like that camera ain't old booooooooyyyyyyyyyyy!

  13. Mohamed Shakir says


  14. Ni k says

    yeah its kinda sad that I have like rarely two pics of all my birthdays as a kid as my parents couldn't afford a camera or hire a photographer. im getting old 🙁

  15. gmc9753 says

    How about slide rules?

  16. ECL28E says

    Psh, I had one of those super precise cameras with the big lenses for my film photography class. Heck, I've actually developed film. It's a hassle.

    PS: Is that a screenshot from Birdemic?

  17. Sarcastic Seva says

    Putting that film in was such hard work!

  18. TheLionBrony96 says

    Thank goodness for built-in cameras (Cell phones, tablets, iOS, etc.)

  19. Guillermo Avila says

    The last time i used an old camera was in 2000, and now i am 30yo, wowowowooow

  20. Nick Hughes says

    "You must be really old." Didn't even get the first digital photo until 2003 or 2004. All of my photos age 3 and under are physical copies. I'm 16.

  21. Maximillion Winters says

    My dad is a photographer, he would tear these kids apart!

  22. MSLProdutions says

    Being that im 19 and getting called old from a child is quite mind blowing

  23. ItzJustMel says


  24. Jane Doe says

    If the kids couldn't fathom waiting an hour for a photo, try explaining what a foto-mat was…lol

  25. Bridget Asturias says

    Kids and teens now a days are not greatful for the technology they have whereas kids and teens were born in the early 90's or way back. We have to deal with such easy complications. I dought any kid or teen could survive

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