Autoexact New Patented Vehicle Photo Studio Booth

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Vehicle photo booth studio is the most effective way to build a brand, gain market share, increase sales and have pro like car photos. The key to a successful automotive photo studio is speed to market, a great process to capture pro like photos and ease of use. DONT be fooled by anyone telling your store that a flat white wall is the correct way to go. It takes way too long, 40 to 50 mins. to capture photos per vehicle or longer because your team has to move the vehicle many times in small places. With the correct product, life time support and process with 360Booth you can shoot 6 to 9 vehicles a hour. Contact 360Booth today

  1. Rashied Sandy says

    Hi, Jay. Welcome to Philadelphia. Can't wait to collaborate with you!

  2. morella giordana says

    Do you have an email?

  3. Omair Bhatti says

    Great video! love the product

  4. P. Alcivar says

    whats the lighting

  5. Jay Smithweck says

    Call anytime. Jay 727-422-2080

  6. Bah Say says

    whats a number i can call?

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