6 Problems with our School System

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The traditional system of education was designed in the industrial age and is now outdated and ineffective. Learn about the 6 major problems with the system. At NEXT School, we are bringing a much needed upgrade to the education system to address these problems. We are India’s 1st Big Picture School. The highly innovative Big Picture Learning framework allows us to personalise each child’s educational journey making learning more engaging and relevant. Visit www.nextschool.org to know more.

  1. Sam'sShortVids says

    5.7k teachers disliked this

  2. It’s the same voice from that in a nutshell channel

  3. Immortal Vain says

    99% of comments – comments

    Other 1% of comments –

    what did you think? It’s comments.

  4. Victoria Cookiez Productions says

    I appreciated the teachers who taught us how to read, spell and calculate!

    Without them, I might be a fool right now. I might've not type this.

    But as we grew older, they educate something………….hard and pretty much useless. Yes, we do need to know how to do basic calculations, but most of the topics we learnt is a little too hard and pretty useless (unless for people who wanna be accountants, scientists, doctors and whatever jobs that involves the hard topics)

    School is so stressful, man. I dont wanna learn, I just wanna pass XD

  5. brandon dabalos says

    was that morty in the thumbnail?

  6. gamergirlsrule 2.0 says

    I literally have a test in less than 8 hours and I'm supposed to get enough hours of sleep and then wake up and get ready at 6 am and be at school before 7:40 to make it to class (even tho lots of times I feel as if I can't get out of bed) and take a math test in my first period then later on in the day I have to take a more serious test to see if I will be in honors next year. I hate school.

  7. Da Absurd Bird says

    Usually I wouldn't bring politics into school, but Andrew Yang has some serious changes to the school system. One of his policies is teaching kids things they will actually use in their life, and teaching them life skills. He also plans to increase teachers' pay, as the amount a teacher receives is directly correlated to the quality of the education.

  8. Smayan Sahu says

    Are you Kurzgesagt


    School makes me more stressed, all I get is 2 days in the weekend with the trashy homework….. I want school to end

  10. Envious but Prideful says

    Brainwash parents after watching: school is important and you need it be successful

  11. Wayne'sWackyPlushVids says

    I hate being forced to go through stupid high school

  12. Galaxy Potato says

    Test: 1 + 1
    Me: easy writes 2
    Teacher: show your work or you don’t get the grade

  13. Thatonegachatuber says

    In Art Class we only copy big artist art. Nothing lime expressing yourself. They only get to that part at about in Year 9 when you already choose what you want for GCSEs, making art boring for people who just started. It's shameful really.

  14. trinity nuggets says

    Thus os kyrzgesagt voice

  15. Olivia Tyndale says

    Literally the only reason I continue to go to school is for the chance that there’s fish and chips for lunch.

  16. Rei Yuki says

    TURN TO PAGE 394

  17. Julie Gibson Clark says

    If you got A’s you wouldn’t be complaining

  18. Arstotzkan reporter says

    I don't condone what school shooters do but:

    I kind of understand them, however I don't understand why everyone thinks that they shot up the school because they were bullied (sometimes it was the case but less than half).
    How don't you understand they hate the fucking system you implement fucking idiots REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  19. Ajily _ says

    Our school doesn’t allow bookbags

  20. Tomas Krizko says

    Let me tell you what I hate probably the most. Writing. In school, you mostly learn by writing. Why can't we play educational games or at least type instead? Schools are really far behind. I know only very few teachers that teach by showing kids video games that teach.

  21. Education is for…..living the human life at its best possible way. …bt it looks that we are trained like animals ….present education system hamper that growth…we should consider more about right education for human species.

  22. Raffy says

    They should lower the amount of the complex things children have to study. Let them study the most basic and them let them study what they want; for what job they want to do.

  23. Agent_ Wolf says

    I got a F- in 6th grade

  24. RITO the creator says

    We should start worlds biggest protest against school….😤

  25. Epic Guy says

    Oh when people where talking loud they punished all of us even some of us did not talk

  26. The Internet says

    In school the guy I sit next to was borderline verbally abused by the teacher because he wanted to read a new book he bought instead of do his art homework, when he is very interested in becoming a writer instead of an artist

  27. M M says

    Traditional education is not practical at all ,at least in my country…

  28. Arunas Barkauskas says

    My classmates are dumb, they dont know english of learning 2 years
    I learned english by playing game in 2 years and by watching english channels (i started in when i was 6 years old but i didnt get it alot but the most part i understanded).

  29. Sachin Raghavan says

    We need school choice and classes for philosophy and ethics as well as curiosity learning than academic education.

  30. Wilfromdahil Brawl Stars says

    If I could take one subject out of middle schools I would defiantly pick music, like if we do become a musician, the fact that we know how to calculate if a car is going 100mph and you hit a bird that is going ten,mph we can find the force of the impact is just going to shame

  31. Wilfromdahil Brawl Stars says

    I think it’s just 2 people the teachers and that 1 kid

  32. Domonoasis World says

    School: We’re here to help kids for the future, and for the careers that they are most passionate about and want to work on in the future!
    Me: I want to be an artist and a graphic novel writer!
    School: Chromosomes and Age of Imperialism it is!

  33. FortniteNoobGaming says

    Teacher:sees kid go to another piece of paper when he still has 3 lines

    Still a teacher:*ReFLecTIon FoR yOU*

    Teacher again:d0N w4sT3 P4P3r


    Teacher: gives worksheet

    Teacher:dONt D0 @Ny w0Rk oN the SHEEt, do iT on A liNEd pAPER


    Still me:(sees teacher waste paper and ink)

    Me:no wonder the system is broke

  34. drizzly pickle says

    i never let school get in the way of my education

  35. Fast Fizzi says

    Alone all lunch: takes out phone at lunch

    Teacher: that’s interrupting your learning!

    It will be taken off you until your parents go to the school it’s literally like taking my shoes or shirt

  36. Dyno says

    Is this my buddy Kurzgesagt

  37. Greenyvilanboy says

    So I gave up sleep for nothing!? Fml

  38. Ants Flavus says

    Me: gets one wrong on the S.A.T
    School: You don't get a job
    Me: …

  39. I am really interested in and love science

    Hate science class take a guess why

  40. AJE galaxy Gamer says

    All the dislikes are all teachers that take so much pride in their work

  41. Trinity Vanek says

    I had clinical depression and social anxiety due to stress from school. Ive had full on mental breakdowns on my bedroom floor because of the stress my teachers put on me. Everything is about memory and grades and we're dehumanized for not doing perfectly in class. We are blamed for not understanding something and belittled. I have thought about skipping not because i want to do drugs in the bathroom or i just want to, i think of doing it because im not mentally prepared to have to deal with the stress of the class and i would rather sit in the dirty bathroom stall than stress and struggle and be yelled at by a teacher for not understanding.

    This is our school system

  42. Chubby Chubby Chipmunk says

    So true

  43. Rainbow Kitty says

    let's show this to all school boards.

  44. kodymus prime says

    What school taught me
    Going a step forward in getting a job wich means an interview
    How to cook some foods
    That's it

  45. Kresten Sckerl says

    IT'S STEVE TAYLOR! The kurzgesagt narrator

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