Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create Vexel Art from a Photo


Photoshop CC 2014 tutorial showing how to create “Vexel” art from a photo. Vexel art is a raster-based image that imitates the visual appearance of vector graphics. The word itself, is derived from a combination of “vector” and “pixel.”


Shutterstock photo of girl: Image ID#: 199141925

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“Double Helix”.

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  1. yolo oloy says

    deadpool. , is this your voice ?

  2. The Slightly Tilting Cat says

    Thanks for this.

    I really like how you explain everything, unlike other channels where they play the video on a really high speed and then put a background music into it to make it look and sound cool.

  3. Artyom Terzyan says

    Thank you , YOU ARE THE BEST

  4. Daniul Glun says

    good art.. but would you do a WPAP ?

  5. Mateo Kimyunjung says

    oh men your the best. today i can edit now because of you men thanks

  6. Mohamed Zubair says

    wow………that was way easy
    thank u

  7. Mohammad Hammami says

    Thank you so much

  8. TheLimorGolan says

    its not letting me fill the layer…. like its doing it in multiple times instead of just filling it in. I don't understand why.

  9. Kiki Yami says

    I think i must be stupid, i tried to do it  all night last night n almost all day today. but still i dont get it. :'(
    i really want to use this for my FMP 🙁

  10. GaLiLo.D says

    Thank You Your The Best !!!!!!!!!
    All Vexel art  On Youtube Didnt Work for me ,                                                                                                                   But Your video Is just What I was Looking FOR  
    THANK YOU verY verY mucH aND a HApPY NEW YEAR

  11. Warren Lassabe says

    Great tutorial.

  12. Jay Nuwell says

    Gradient overlay effect doesn't show up on my pictures. I don't know where I messed up. I followed your steps. Any ideas?

  13. amine hajjoj says

    I wanT To Downl.. Phooshop cs6 New2014 
    plssss 😀 and thanks For EveR 

  14. Drich eugenio says

    I Really like your tutorials 
    you're the only one who explains the steps perfectly 🙂 

  15. Professor B says

    Ur the best ur the only one who explains everything in perfect steps 

  16. Marco Anonuevo says

    You guys are awesome!! Best tutorials hands down!

  17. Ari fandy says

    maybe I need a picture or a more specific way.

  18. Val Ranger says

    I love it, I'm gonna try it and let you know how did it go

  19. ld2102011 says

    As always, this is brilliant! LOVE your tutorials, keep them coming Marty 🙂

  20. Eli Dance Ali says

    Fantastic! Thank you

  21. Tristan Mullany says

    love it just gave me an idea for my next shoot.

  22. Saad q says

    superman 😉

  23. byphysics says

    hi my friend, thanks for videos. congratulations

  24. Chef Rosidi Amri says

    tq BLTV….

  25. Mark Visions says

    Hey Marty! 🙂 I've always loved all your tutorials. In fact I have done all of them. Thanks for teaching us this things. I look forward in seeing more of your tutorials! Can you also do some tutorials in Adobe After Effects? Please? Thanks! 😀

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