Creepy Wedding Photos That Can’t Be Explained


From the ghost of a woman captured in a creepy wedding photo to a hooded specter photographed during a wedding ceremony, we look at creepy wedding photos that can’t be explained. #CreepyWeddingPhotos #ScaryVideos #SlappedHam






Echoes of Time v2 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

  1. Teresa Harmon says

    The kid's in the second photo can see what the camera doesn't.

  2. Rogue T-Rex says

    "Child photo"
    Me: ……. Malfoy?

    Ok. I'm all for paranormal. Gives spice to life because God knows we need it these days, but that girl and the mirror……. lady. That's your own neck and hair…


    Also why was the clown blurred? What was it holding? A dildo?

  3. Amber Boyd says

    I swear that child in the last photo is staring into my soul😂😂😂

  4. wullie carroll says

    mmmm wonder where in paisley that would be that's where i am from

  5. Doug Nguyen says

    The wedding photo of the woman had an abortion there’s a good chance that’s her baby ghost following her

  6. Jackson Ayres says

    "Can't be explained" is pushing it.

  7. Robert Cramb says

    Who else watched this with the sound muted?

  8. XiiX Music says

    The headless dude looks like he was just walking fast when the camera took the photo with a low shutter speed… making the body blurred and the head being so small, would be removed entirely

  9. Chris Last says

    4.24 looks like the top of a headstone to me

  10. kelvin grindell says

    The thing that scares me is…

    …When my phone battery runs out

  11. David m Bates says

    The one with a woman taking a selfie in the dress.. it's just the back of her neck

  12. marc caals says

    Photoshop, so it is explained, next.

  13. Lawrence Manuel says

    Number one photo, the peeping child: Man's right hand + pareidolia…

  14. Patrick Allen says

    will you stop asking a question's at the end? really annoying.

  15. Omikron420 says

    Says they can't be explained yet explains two of them

  16. JESSICA ANN 2018 says

    #10 its curious that the kid is looking straight at the black figure

  17. There'ssomething Onthewing says

    Oh man! Hey honey, theres a ghost in the picture, again! Well that's another photo ruined

  18. Jen Kempen says

    Lol! The clown!

  19. Riley1276 says

    Me: sees a ghost looking in the bottle

    Also me: haha even ghost can be alcoholics

  20. Dudley Clarence Sturgis IV says

    I thought it said "Crappy Wedding Photos" and got excited. Wanted to laugh at some shitty photography.

  21. Sharon G says

    #8 just a smoke mist ? Huh that mist has EARS !

  22. Michelle Charlton says

    Nothing says love like a creepy photograph of a killer clown. Nothing says love like telling the misguided husband the spare room is all his for a week…….

  23. Jordan Vallejo says

    The person in the second pic (9) was obviously there because everyone in the photo, including the kids are staring at her, lol

  24. suprnatrulcat says

    Its weird in the second photo that the planter on the step shows in the front the black figure, yet the figure looks like its in front of the wedding party.

  25. Roy Merrill says

    margaret Munthe is not half the woman she used to be

  26. Cindy Udhardt says

    where would I submit a photo for you to see? Most interesting picture.

  27. marie davis says

    No 2,she has caught the nape of her neck, just a funny angle !!

  28. Tina Swindell says

    You can't title it Creepy Wedding Photos That Can't Be Explained when one of them is a prank played by a husband on his wife by having his brother dress as a clown during a photo.

  29. Kari Short says

    How did taking a picture of the back of her head go to a person dying 😵😣

  30. MickeyCreole says

    Ok, first pic of the groom and bride with the “kid” in the background, I’ll be fascinated to find out what the future son of the newly wed would look like at roughly the same age as the “kid” in the photo. Just because he’s not been conceived yet, it doesn’t mean their future child hasn’t a mischievous soul-in-waiting. And in the second photo, although for some ridiculous reason they’ve pixeled out the children’s faces, going by the way those two little boys seem to be facing the half-phantom and even their heads seems to indicate that both those two boys are seeing what the photographer has caught on film.

  31. Alice Farretta says


  32. Alice Farretta says

    Weird a headless ghost

  33. Charm Life says

    Really, since when do ghosts leave shadows. Also the kids are no afraid of that thing. Fake

  34. Alice Farretta says

    The last video the one ghost that was standing at the table reaching for the bottle and there was another one walking in the background look in the background

  35. joshua thompson says

    These are crap and soo easy to explain….

  36. Najma Begum says

    Consider your late loved one attended your wedding!

  37. A Table For a Magic Show! says

    Alright slapp ass!!!

  38. Charlie Dallachie says

    Why do I watch slapped ham at 2am

  39. Peter Griffin says

    Slapped Scam

  40. Niggerdick Sixinch says

    numbr 2 is just the back rest of the chair

  41. Aldora Daroda says

    I couldn't make out the last one. But it does look like the guy is trying to hide something behind his back.

  42. Following Phan says

    Matrix images can be confuse by thinking it’s a ghost

  43. Jennifer Aliff says

    Nahhh I'm boycotting till he slaps a ham.

  44. Vicari Blu says

    in the black imafe loojs like the kids saw it

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