Our Generation School Classroom Awesome Academy Playset for American Girl Doll Room Dollhouse Review

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Doll school classroom set review. This classroom doll playset is from Our Generation and can be bought at Target. Our Generation doll toy set review includes doll school room, doll desks, doll chairs, and many other doll school supplies. Setup doll classroom in American Girl doll dollhouse. Kids play with American Girl doll room and have fun playing school with friends.

Our Generation School Room

Our Generation Awesome Academy

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Our American Girl doll channel brings you fun videos about toy dolls, Doll Crafts, Doll DIY, Toys, Doll Food, Kids Crafts, Toy Reviews and Doll Rooms. We enjoy making American Girl Doll videos and videos about Barbie Dolls, Disney Princess Dolls, Shopkins, Our Generation, My Life As, Journey Girls & Monster High dolls.


  1. cleiton bernardo says

    Falem em português

  2. cleiton bernardo says

    It Will Smith

  3. Kuheli Dutta says


  4. bruhshh loves says

    I have it

  5. Gacha Lover says

    I have the set and It DOESN'T have the Greek yogurt

  6. Melissa Jackson says

    it does come with a whiteboard marker!

  7. Leilani Vasquez says

    I got it except some of the accessories were missing. The trash can, green pen, and a few other things were missing. I still love the set!

  8. Aizen Avery says

    Wait the carrots and celory coms out…….. Well mine does not

  9. Aizen Avery says

    I have that

  10. abby keane says

    my best friend has this set

  11. Bobae Kwon Kwon says

    I really love your video

  12. Maid in Glasgow says


  13. Cheryl Davis says

    i think u mean boy doll but still u r my favorite!

  14. Kitten lover says

    I have that now

  15. Joshandbellas World says


  16. Shanteese Butler says


  17. Amira Charikhi says

    2019 any one

  18. Hara dhan Mazumdar says

    so beautiful

  19. Tasneem Salah Aldin says

    Your so lucky not fair I want it!!!

  20. Sheliah Thomas says

    My cuzin said your nasty who cares I love you I want that for Christmas to. all the people that said I'm putting that on my Christmas list I agree I am doing that also

  21. Sheliah Thomas says

    Your nasty no one wants to see under her 👗

  22. chris scanlon says

    U are so dum i hate u

  23. nicole grady says

    I do

  24. Tony Garcia says

    Does anything work?⁉️❓❔❕❗️

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