Neewer lighting kit studio from amazon review!!


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Hey guys welcome back to my channel!!! im soooo excited to have boughten these lights for my videos!!! when i was in the process of buying these lights i tried to find a review on this exact kit and i could not find one!! so hee it is!! you can purchase these lights on amazon

  1. JustAngieFilms says

    Thank you for doing an entire unbox/review and showing the differences of how the lights react! Was looking at the different studio photography sets on amazon and was lost on which one to buy. Ended up finding your vid showing everything and the differences the lights make. Really helped! 🙂

  2. JiratusRD says

    can i mount a flashlight in a soft box that come with continuous lights, only changing the type of mount?

    im not good with English. if you did not understand i will try to explain myself again

    i appreciate so MUCH if you tell me

    im thinking to buy a neweer studio continuous light and change the light for flashlight and have a studio
    please any suggestions???

  3. Nasir Uddin says

    Hey just want to say thank you for doing this video I’m a photographer who shoot portrait photos I was looking at this for shooting my clients backstage a small set up basically and was indecisive about what I will receive and the quality of the product… you’ve cleared my mind on that now and think you did great in the video keep up the good work. Videos like yours are best because you know it’s true honesty because your not getting paid to do this. Keep up the good work 🥰👍🏽

  4. AwesomeDr Foxy says

    Thank you for making this I wanna be a good youtuber and I wanted to order it and now I know I will get this

  5. Vanessa Kincek says

    Thank you so much for this review! I really needed to see which ones were good to buy from amazon! Good luck!:)

  6. Marie The Alchemist says

    Your hubby was very sweet for posting your video on Amazon (that's how I got here.) It may seem weird or tiny but I know people who don't support their wives in their YT journey so I found that endearing. I wanted this kit for the background drops, I already have softboxes.

  7. 彭朝曦 says

    Only fxxking stupid guy will buy NEEWER. they are liars

  8. Venom675R says

    Good job on your lighting setup I personally think it looks better without the softbox I feel it makes it look way too white. Great video I am working on doing my lighting as well you gained a new subscriber keep up the good work and don't give up!

  9. Kevin Kvn says

    Finally a whole kit review..thanks

  10. Ke Williams says

    Finally a video of exactly I need I’m ordered the exact same thing with no idea how to hook it up thank you so much ❤️❤️

  11. Mr.Slothbro says

    I'd recommend moving the second soft box behind you so that you don't blend in with the backround

  12. Rishabh sonker says


  13. Wolfgang Breitenseher says

    Lol. You can hang the backdrop in landscape. That's why its long.

  14. True North Fitness & Health says

    What size kit did you order? (comes in 3 sizes) thank you

  15. Nightmullet 69 says

    Them some shiny cheeks 🙂

  16. The Project Mom says

    Very helpful, thank you. New to filming and looking for something to help me without breaking the bank.

  17. Mike Dancy says

    I think that this was a fantastic video. You still using it ?

  18. Liakouras Momentz says

    hello! i would like to know if you are happy with that lighting kit.? I am thinking to buy some kind of lights but checking around maybe for a whole kit. what you think after using it. Do you need all these things?. Thank you 🙂

  19. Rob Anderson says

    All I can say is…make sure you secure those lights with all the little ones running around…I can see light stands falling all over the place…lol

  20. Sierra Wood says

    Can I ask what camera are you using ??

  21. Timbibicha says

    In spanish 🙁

  22. goodvibesonly dayfamily says

    Love this video im currently waiting on my lighting in the mail from walmart it's a ktaoxn brand….I subbed hun sub back❤❤❤plz and thank you

  23. Rvndi Savage says

    Omg let’s collab

  24. Jenn Bridges says

    Thanks for sharing! I’m looking at buying the product and his was a big help.

  25. Fun channel says

    This is perfect, altough it costs 169$ rn…

  26. Asgard Studios says

    Thanks for sharing. I need lighting and this was perfect.

  27. Tina Brigitini says

    Four kids and the focus to do this, awesome job. Thanks for sharing.

  28. M V says

    Thank you the review you’ve saved a lot of lives

  29. Loida Hopkins says

    Ty so much for this video! I'm new at this too

  30. Moon Dove Movement says

    Great job with the video! I found your video about lighting very helpful toward investing in the lights. At around 13:48 after saying that they do kind of budge, you can see a stray wisp of white light fly right by your side. It is a good sign you're doing the right things!

  31. John Apperson says

    Hi lady! Thanks for reviewing the Neewer lighting kit! About to set mine up. As for improving your lighting techniques, I found this shortly before finding your video. He talks specifically about camera height and a third backlight that helps with shadows. Hope this helps, as you've helped me!

  32. Tommy Gun says

    looked better right away when you turned it on. buying this for my wife. thanks for your help

  33. Stephanie Miranda says

    I was really hoping to see a video when setting it up.

  34. Sass71 says

    Did you ever get a ring light to add to your set up, and if so, do you like it?

  35. Jamaree Thornton says

    Got mine for 89.99 +tax/shipping so it was about 102? its a good starter kit for those who have almost nothing in the photo industry. I was doing alot of realism style photos and action shots. But now, I can do more of what I was trained for in college and work with portraits and interactive art. The lights to me were so bright I was shocked. I like the bags they give you but I wish their was something more for the lights like maybe a small foam 4 spot bag that you can add in. just to protect them a bit ya know? But other than that, completely impressed so far. I have some year book photos and a Birthday party I get to try it out on so wish me luck, I'll be back with a review.

  36. Michael Madden says

    I just purchased and received mine, yes it's very impressive for the price. Mine also came with instructions and a contents list. It is very basic and simple to set up tho. Great job on the video!! Keep exploring and experimenting, you can follow all the 'rules' of photography and lighting you want but sometimes the greatest discoveries are when we stretch it and break some of those rules. Never mind the "BayAlexanders" of the world… they always seem to forget that they too were once beginners and didn't know everything.

  37. Luke Thompson says

    Are the backdrops washable?

  38. Sutter Family Films says

    Usually when people do reviews of products on YouTube they have done a bit more homework. This seems more like an un-boxing of the product which took up 90% of your video time.

  39. Jesaja G Angula says


  40. Mr NYC says

    Good video

  41. Sokkies says

    What camera do you use? The quality is really nice.

  42. ManChild Toy Reviews says

    This is exactly the kind of review anyone who is thinking of buying these lights need! Thank you!!! Great review.

  43. Lalin Wang says

    Photography Lighting Kit with 6.6ft x 9.8ft Backdrops Umbrellas Softbox Continuous Lighting Kit Light Reflector for Video and Portrait Lighting
    50% OFF NOW
    Anyone interested, please feel free to contact with me for this 50% off code!

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