Landscape Photography | How did I take Photo, and edit in Lightroom | Lightroom tips


How did I take this photo of the beautiful Wanaka Tree in New Zealand?
I explain it all here, Lightroom editing included!

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Camera Bag –
My main camera –
My favorite lens –
The Nifty Fifty –
Love this one –
My only zoom lens –

My main tripod –
The best Ball Head ever –
My other tripod –

The Filters –
Filter Pouch –

Portable Hard Disk
Samsung T5 –
Lacie Rugged HD –

Panasonic G85 –
Panasonic 12-60mm –
Panasonic Lumix 25mm f1.7 –
SmallHD Focus –
Tiffen filter –
batteries –
128gb sd –
Rode Video Micro –
Mic boom stand –
mic extension cable –
and you will need this –
Lav Mic –
Ring Light –
other great Lights –



how did i take this photo,how to use lightroom,how to edit in lightroom,editing photos with lightroom,how to edit long exposure photos,long exposure photography,long exposure photography in new zealand,photography with neutral density filter,landscape photography tutorial video,long exposure tips and technique,landscape photography settings,long exposure photography settings,camera settings for landscape photography,landscape photography tips youtube,lightroom tips
#landscapephotography #lightroomediting #longexposurephotography

  1. John Bentley says

    Amazing image and I loved watching you process it. All the changes were subtle but really added to a beautiful image. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Jane Fraser says

    What month did you shoot this photo Attilio?

  3. Technology today says

    how are u getting water so still in the photo

  4. anil shrestha says

    Wow !! Beautifully described !! Thank you for sharing. I will watch all your videos to develop my skills in photography.

  5. MrR6pilot says

    Hi, new subscriber and new amateur photographer here. Apart from the obvious skill and experience in your work I also like your presentation style. It's really good to hear nice, relaxed explanations – gives me time to process what you're saying. We also have a famous lone tree at Loch Lomond, so you should come to Scotland sometime and see what kind of job you can do on that ! ha ha

  6. johnlery hernandez says

    Thank you so much for your very informative videos. You make it seem like a walk in the park. Thank you for sharing!

  7. B H says

    This photo is 10 thumbs-up šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ can I stay they are so outstanding, it has made my fall back in love with my photography and want to grow more compassion for the love of art ā€inmaging photography as artā€

  8. Giovanni Vaccarino says

    Molto interessante. Mi piacerebbe perĆ² capire come hai realizzato una delle foto della serie "Woman in red".

  9. John Rivero says

    What an amazing video. Your images are beyond beautiful. Thank you for the tips.

  10. Carlin Schelstraete says

    Great job. Nice simple edits

  11. Thomas Duffy says

    thanks so much. new subscriber


    Awesome master class

  13. Dayra Rivera says

    Wow, great shot! Love how you brought out the yellow and the reflection

  14. Teresa G says

    Very beautiful! Love the composition and I like how you explained that you had difficulties taking the shot but you still managed to figure out a way to take an amazing and unique shot

  15. Carlos Calderon says

    It is a beautiful photo and beautifully edited. Had you ever tough of putting together a full editing tutorial for beginner, intermediate and advance. The fundamentals of what is masking, cloning, grading, etc. The same way you are doing with your tutorial of photography. I find that it is easy to follow your instructions cause they are simple and straightforward. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  16. Josh sandman says

    Which ND stop did you use for this ?

  17. Twill cha_kma says

    So beautiful images. I also want to be at your position someday.

  18. othman abdulkarim says

    thenky for sharing it rlly amizing ……

  19. Rajeev Sharma says

    ā€œFantasticā€ is the only word šŸ‘

  20. richiangriff says

    Fantastic image and very informative video, thanks

  21. Alvaro Zavala Misc-Gmail says

    Would like to know more about equipment used. What camera, what lens, what ND filter. Also, what time od the day was this taken? Thank you and great shot.

  22. Peter Cordingley says

    Truly amazing! I had already subscribed before this video, but have to say this has been my favourite one yet. A completely stunning shot out of the camera and a really helpful tuition to transform it into a beautiful picture.

  23. sofia and john says

    what kind of filter did you use?

  24. Nympho 1 says

    Original is natural

  25. Nympho 1 says

    Too much editing

  26. marco orioli says

    Hai usato solo il filtro nd per farla?

  27. marco orioli says

    Ciao Attilio, questa ĆØ una delle foto piĆ¹ belle di sempre…šŸ‘

  28. Racel Placido says

    Very cool! Did you shoot in bulb or m? And what nd filter did you use? Thanks!

  29. Emmermacher says

    Great picture šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

  30. Anna S. says

    I just love this picture. It emanates peace and serenity.
    I also like the story how you had to go outside the box to take it. Great story and even better result.

  31. FrankoFM2 says

    Brilliant from start to finish šŸ‘šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§

  32. Diego Ruo Rui says

    Stupenda immagine Attilio!! volevo chiederti, visti i 680 secondi di esposizione, come calcoli il tempo per avere un'immagine esposta correttamente. Oltre ad f9 di diaframma e immagino un ND1000. Grazie!

  33. Adedotun Ajibade says

    This video is a gem. Learnt a lot, Thanks!

  34. Josh F says

    Attilio your photography is truly inspiring. Really love your helpful videos too – thank you!

  35. Jen T says

    I will be watching this video over and over, thank you šŸ™‚

  36. Jeff McKeown says

    How did you pre-determine 658 seconds? This is one of those images that rattle my brain when I first see it. Very very nice.

  37. Vince Tech says

    Bel tutorial, che mi ha rilassato anche grazie alla musica che hai scelto!
    Grazie mille

  38. Darren Grunberg says

    This video is incredible. You make it look so easy. Thank you. I am an official subscriber. A couple of questions. First, what did you use as your focal point? What were the aperture, and ISO? Third, What lens dis you use for this picture? I imagine you used some sort of ND filter? Thank you for all your feedback

  39. Marcelle Caldas says

    Amazing photo and also the simply explanation! Tks for sharing with us!

  40. Barry Cawdell says

    Fascinating image and enjoyed watching the processing. You explain it all so well.

  41. R.F. Thompson says

    Great teaching. Clear and direct – step by step!

  42. Rifaath Anver says

    Well done. I have never used Lightroom. I used the camera photo editing software and sometimes the Photoshop. I am thinking of mastering the use of the software. It is amazing. Thanks for sharing your experience. Is it better to use a 24mm wide angle lens instead of 12mm?. I thought ultra wide angle lens like 12mm will have some distortions at the edges.

  43. STUART DRURY says

    This is the first time I have seen you, and boy oh boy did I enjoy what you showed me, that tree in the water, subtle adjustments, but pow what a wonderful image after those little tweeks, thank you. I have subscribed and look forward to more.

  44. Gary Burleson says

    Wow!!! Best Vedic ever from start to finish. I loved your thought process of finding the right place to compose the photo, and I especially loved following your post process techniques. Iā€™m glad I found your channel.

  45. Earl Johnson says


  46. Earl Johnson says

    Outstanding !!!!

  47. Kevin Barrance says

    Fantastic tutorial. Many thanks.

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