Esddi Large 24" Product photography Light Box Portable photography studio


My review of the surprisingly capable $80.00 product photography light box, shooting tent. yeah thats a mouthful but Im working on my SEO. this tent is 24x24x24 and includes its own dimmable LED light source on top. it has 2 openings for aiming your camera and folds down to a compact flat size. it also comes with 4 colored backgrounds, white, brown, grey and black.
portable product photography studio

Esddi version may be out of stock, Purchase Fovitech branded version here:

The smaller 20″ $69.00 version can be purchased here:

This video was shot on my Lumix G7 using the 25mm 1.7, the sigma 19mm 2.8 and the kit lens 14-42
Gear I used to shoot this review.
Lumix G7 here on Amazon

Panasonic 25mm f1.7 lens

  1. Ronny K. says

    Hi bruv, how's it going?… been a while. are you on Instagram?

  2. john antaki says

    both amazon links go to the 20" model

  3. RacerRed says

    Every time i watch your videos i want to buy something lol

  4. Eboni Curls says

    Do you keep your house light on when you’re taking the pictures or do you turn them off? I also noticed you have your box lighting pointing towards the photo box. Are they helping the pic quality or were you using them for filming this video?

  5. chris says

    Great video

  6. ULTRA KWON says

    Nifty setup, Ray. I didn’t know Mercedez Benz made perfume, but I imagine it would make a wonderful gift to the spouse whose always longed for a Benz. Anyway, the photograph looks like it was ripped out of Vogue magazine. Kudos on the professional results!

  7. BozeHollow says

    This is one of the most informative videos I have ever seen. I actually saw this on Amazon as a product review. Excellent job!

  8. Fernando Costa says

    Great video again , Ray! I bought a Voigtlander 50mm 1.8 and a pixco adapter because of a previous video you posted. It's now my favorite lens! I own a Panny G7 too, so a I have a nice honest reference of lenses for my camera watching your videos. And I must say that of all the youtube photo reviewers you are my very favorite. And thanks for keeping it real.

  9. BamaBoynCali says

    Nice review. That shot from inside the box was dope!!

  10. MultiSpeedr says

    Nice Ray…

  11. Feistl daniel - Foto design says

    Cool product – the possibility to fold it up like this is very practically I think. I although love the way some objects are reflecting on the ground.
    And as always: great review!

  12. groovesme says

    Ray I love your videos. You should post some adventure travel videos.

  13. Tim Adams says

    There's that Alias! 🙂

  14. kauaiphotography says

    What a sweet item! Just what I need for a few items that I will be posting on eBay. Are the LED lights corrected for daylight and about how bright does it get?

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