1. Pinche Cabron says


  2. Elle Archie says

    Lies. That kid is not dead. Crisis actors. Dad didn't even cry. Do you not see what the government is doing? Sandy hook… Do your research on that

  3. Aida Aston says

    Kendrick rip you will be missed , you left too early but you are trully hero. You will be remembered.My condolences to the family 😞😭🙏

  4. Quentin Sandoval says

    RIP KC!

  5. Anti Government says

    Kendrick is a hero not this kid living off the death of Kendrick for attention and little publicity he's getting tell the truth you did nothing but hide didn't try and help nobody including your self

  6. ChiTownLioness Nocture says

    #KendrickCastillo deserves a medal posthumously presented to his parents by Trump . Will POTUS Trump give Kendrick a medal of honor?

  7. G83ANDONE says

    This is sad! Our country has to get serious with gun laws, PERIOD!!!!!! Can’t believe our children has to go through this.

  8. A Moore says

    Fry his add.. there has to be real consequence for action. Not 50years on death row. Just 1 week and then light them up!

  9. ChiTownLioness Nocture says

    They can't comprehend what happened because thet are raised by parents that teach them the boogeyman is black or brown! #mainstreamnews helps perpetuate that lie. So they trust only those that look like them #EuroAmerican aka white. Euro Americans start racially profiling your own kind, it could save a lot of lives and just maybe stop all these #schoolshootings #GunControlNow stop #gunviolence ASAP!

  10. A Moore says

    You live as a legend you die as a hero.

  11. Rose A says

    Poor thing RIP Kendrick 🙏🏻🙏🏻 this is not fair those idiots need to be killed also.

  12. josh jordan says

    Fucked up worlddd.disgusting worlddd.Rip young kid

  13. monee jimmerson says

    This is the stress trailer trash put ppl threw too bad I'm not surprised this what they do

  14. David Mason says

    Why Kendrick look like a middle aged man tho?

  15. zombie nomad says

    gay boy and a tranny did this,dosnt fit the fake news,, you dont see any of this on cnn

  16. MissNebulosity says

    I keep a spreadsheet list of people who deserve tributes for their valor and accomplishments. I've added Kendrick Castillo. Rest in peace, my dear friend. The world is a better place because you were in it, and we will never forget that.

  17. Bolton says

    Just another day in America.

  18. MissNebulosity says

    It must be hard for the students, parents, parents of injured and dead children, as well as the staff to see a lawyer comforting the shooter in the courtroom with back rubs, when the truly traumatized people are the victims and not the perpetrator. I'm all for not making the emotional situation for the shooter worse by being abusive with words, but I'm really kind of wondering if comforting the shooter is really justified here. He killed and injured people. Should we comfort him for that?

  19. Powergirl 76 says

    Lord Jesus I pray for Kendrick's family!❤ Lord Jesus give evey child ,parent and teacher comfort in Jesus name I pray amen!🙏🙏🙏💙

  20. Dwight Ruddock says

    Please white people I beg you please let the shooter go free just give him house arrest he’s a got boy please

  21. mike majewski says

    good thing the cops are paid to stand around and never do jack shit

  22. baba duke says

    Promoting crisis acting at a young age. Good call. 🤢

  23. Jose Medina says

    Stop talking about the school shootings and start protesting!!! Fucking idiots y’all want change but are doing nothing to make a change literally just talking about how sad it is.

  24. William Stone says

    Hooray for white people with guns.

    When does the "well-regulated" part of the Second Amendment kick in again?

  25. Cecilia Martinez says

    Kendrick is soo sweet 😣 may you rest in peace

  26. lauranorwar says

    Not making light of a very sad and serious situation, but at 7:02 it looks like a tornado is looming in the background. It makes the scene even more chilling (if that’s even possible). Almost like a sign of what will unfold in the years ahead.

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