Landscape Photography in Germany – Castle Eltz, Burg Eltz, TIPS and techniques on composition


Castle Eltz or Burg Eltz is a beautiful castle in Germany. It reminded me of a Dracula Fortress from Transylvania, but I got to photograph it during daylight, which made it into a Disney Castle. In this video I go in depth with my thoughts in regard to composition and delivers some tips and techniques on that subject.







MY GEAR and recommended gear:
Sigma 20mm f/1.4 for Canon:
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Canon 16-35mm f/4:
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Sigma 24-105mm f/4:
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Canon 70-200mm f/4
UK Amazon:
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Excellent extra 3rd party batteries for most Canon cameras:
UK Amazon:
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CF card:
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SD card:
UK Amazon:
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VLOG Camera:
UK Amazon:
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ZOOM H1, sound recorder:
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STEP-UP ring system:
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Peak Design CapturePro Camera Clip
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Camera blower:
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  1. isabella davis says

    love the last image taken of this iconic landmark with the brach coming from the right…and one of the few castles located inland instead of along the rivers and waterways…wonderful trip as always

  2. Mary L. Farmer says


  3. Gino Rigucci says

    Good shots and a nice location. I did like the one through the branches of the tree with some back lighting.

  4. Ruby Abc says

    I would always walk! Countryside is beautiful!❤️😊

  5. RugbyLock0914 says

    Nice photos Mads! Would be interested in how you removed the scaffolding.

  6. Just_Kyle S says

    The hike from the train station in Moselkern is also a great way to get to Burg Eltz if you have some extra time.

  7. cagliostro91 says

    love your videos, so inspiring

  8. Ionut Schiopu says

    For "Dracula's Castle" check Bran Castle here and Corvin Castle I like all the videos from your youtube channel and I find them realy useful. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  9. zoe20641 says

    Hi Mads. I like the format where you discuss composition and the image. I also love the last image. Thanks.

  10. creativeProjects720 CLRG says

    were building and creating Whole new INDUSTRIES. this is what happened with George Lucas. he created STAR WARS, in 1977, and a bunch of other people joined in on the bandwagon, in 1979 STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE was released Because they saw star wars and realized that STAR TREK could also be like that more realistic, and on the big screen for the first time. in 1979, following STAR WARS , ALIEN, was released because of Star wars, ridley scott was inspired by the realistic space ships in Star Wars, and created the ALIEN saga. his idea of what space travel would be like.

  11. creativeProjects720 CLRG says

    wow amazing

  12. Tom says

    8.05 min 😳 How did you get that effect?! It looks absolutely awesome 😳 Well done!! 🙌🏼

  13. Dirk Buttgereit says

    great video, thank you!

  14. Lara Stüpp Schweitzer says

    Thanks for the inspiration, I'm going to visit this castle next year. I'm from Brazil, you should definitely visit it. There aren't castles but there is a lot of nature beauty. You would take great pictures.

  15. Tobias W. says

    The Pictures came out awesome anyway, Mads! Very well done!

  16. Marcus Frank says

    Thanks for the explanations of your compositions. I Love your Location Videos to get Info about the Places. Your compositions Infos are a great Bonis. Thanks a lot, great work.

  17. says

    Cool! I was exploring the same spots at Burg Eltz lol! 🙂

  18. Gabor Soos says

    I'm going to visit this place in a couple of weeks and this video has been very useful. On that note, the content of your channel is excellent, I haven't come across anything like it on the subject of landscape photography.
    Really fantastic stuff and your photos are amazing!
    Never been so happy to subscribe to a channel in support of your efforts!

  19. J B says

    I really enjoy hearing and seeing your analysis of the various compositions. I would consider it an upgrade to your already amazing photo/video adventures.

  20. Keith Linforth says

    Enjoyed the additional commentary….nice location as well!

  21. Jami Davis says

    I like this new format. Also, the last photograph was fabulous.

  22. Ben van Boom says

    This is inspiring Mads, i was there two month's ago, passed the spot where you took the picture framed by the branches but did not notice because i was not interested in that side of the Castle because of the scaffolding.
    I guess i had to slow down and think about removing the scaffolding in photoshop, stupid me !

  23. Hugo Lopes Photography says

    Really love the new format Mads. It is far more complete. Very cool to see your creative process in looking for composition.
    Big thumbs up.

  24. Gary Boal says

    Really enjoy all your videos Mads, whatever the focus or format you are inspirational and always offer nuggets of advice.

  25. good job Mads! I live close to this Castle and still have to go there. keep it up!

  26. Ciara Jennings says

    I liked the last shot best too! Also liking the beard Mads😊👍

  27. Jiri Vrablik says

    Great…The last photo is sensational, how did you remove that scaffolding, wow … 🙂

  28. Erik Pronske, M.D. says

    Very nice video and I like the descriptions you gave. I was there few years ago and went inside.  I don't know if you did, but there were some terrific compositions in the little open areas in the castle.

  29. D Welker says

    Thanks for the explanations of your compositions. This really helps give me ideas to consider when I am out shooting. Beautiful images even if it wasn't the perfect setting that you wanted. It is good to see someone taking great photos even if it isn't the most opportune lighting, etc.

  30. Photography Marcel says

    Omg that's pretty near to my home but I didn't know it 😳 thank you for this viedeo I definitely will visit this spot in the next time 😍

  31. Elma Ben says

    The last photo is amazing !

  32. René Jensen says

    I like the part with composing tips and trics.

  33. ebchef says

    How you don't have hundreds of thousands of subscribers beyond me. Great channel!

  34. Anton Riley says

    Good job Mr Iversen! 🙂

  35. Yann Fortin says

    I love your videos so much, Mads! Please keep going, I always learn so much, and your shots are consistently inspiring! 🙂

  36. Aritz Atela says

    What a gorgeous spot. Ive seen this castle millions of times, always moody, so this weather you had, helped to bring another different atmosphere to it. Love all the different perspectives, but the last one really rocks Mads. Great tips as usual! 🙂

  37. Ragin says

    Love the new format of your videos! Talking through shots allows ALL viewers to apply the information to their own photography, not just the people visiting that exact location. I think it gives your videos more reach. Keep it up Mads!

  38. nick bailey says

    Thanks for sharing. I like the format. Nice to hear what's going on in your hear while you're shooting…

  39. Andrew Boland says

    Great work again Mads. Found the additional detail about your methods for composition really useful – more of that please!

  40. Ro Rebbel says

    Loved this different style of presenting.
    Thought you did voice-over, your microphone sounded as such, no background sounds.
    Talking about the composition (choices) was very interesting.
    The shaky first minute/half a minute was a little distracting, if I'm honest.
    All in all, like all your vids so far: great stuff.

  41. Tony Turner says

    Loved the contents of this video. After all, composition is so important. My favourite image was the very last one, enchanting.

  42. Mario Valkenborg says

    Like this format. Looking forward to the next video !  Thanks Mads !

  43. dalemews1 says

    Another great video Mads. Nice to hear you go through your composition thought process. It's not easy creating mood in your images when you're battling against the mid day sun, heat haze, tourists and scaffolding! You did well though. You'd probably enjoy shooting the castles along our Northumberland coast line.

  44. nicklas holmqvist says

    I liked the talk about different angles etc. I really need to travel down there and shoot some castles too. Not that far from Gothenburg 😊 great video as usual ☺️

  45. Nina Cleven says

    Nice video as usual. Looking forward to seeing your Denmark video.

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