Best Photo & Video Backpack: Evecase Extra Large Camera/Laptop Backpack


I had been looking for a long time for a large backpack that would fit my camera equipment and finally found a bag that I absolutely love.

For $92 this thing is the best:

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Currently my favorite (affordable) video camera:

Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoyed the video. If you have any feedback (positive or negative) please leave it in the comments below. Even though I might not reply to all the comments, I do read them and appreciate hearing your thoughts on what you like and what you don’t like.

  1. PG Tips says

    It's a good bag for the price, but how would it last in the rain? The waterproof covering needs to go potentially over a tripod?

  2. Connor Martinez says

    He sounds like peter McKinnon

  3. Myva says

    thanks a lot bro just bought!

  4. Edmundo Pazzetti says

    do you think you can carry, a mavic pro, a dslr, two hero6, an stabilizer and a couple other tiny things? Im about to buy it but dont want to make a wrong turn
    Thanks in advance

  5. Vincent Valentine says

    what was the airlight called?

  6. Gary Clayton says

    Awesome pack

  7. David Power says

    hey, great video. I want to carry it on a plane. can already see the dimensions are too big for air company i'm flying with, so wanted to know is it soft enough that i can squeeze it in those metal thingies they use to measure bags if they ask me. what do you think?

  8. Smokin Mesa says

    Wonder if this would go on a plane as carry-on

  9. Parallax Peak says

    Would this bag hold a 15 inch MacBook pro? its been holding me off from buying it.

  10. Max Tsai says

    What do you think about Peak Design Backpack?

  11. RayCuts says

    Just got mine in today. Overall, feels great and was surprised how strong/heavy it felt out the box. I am a filmmaker planning to have camera, 6+ lenses, laptop, mavic drone and all needed stuff while being a favorable size to travel and enough protection. So far so good. Bottom half is where I currently put the whole mavic bag in with room to spare which was awesome without getting squished by the top half. Did you know there is another pouch compartment all the way at the bottom/underneath?? Might be for rain cover but I plan to squeeze in part a small handeld rig i plan on getting. I hate that everything actually fits and is so heavy. I am so used to having camera bag and laptop bag. I might have to get another small bag case (with wheels) just spread the weight.

  12. Megamattzero says

    Was wondering if I have my Sony A7sii on its camera cage with a monitor attached and a mic, is the the backpack wide enough I can just put the camera in without detaching stuff off? The bag looks pretty deep

  13. segmento says

    Hi mate! Can I carry the backpack as carry-on luggage on a plane?

  14. Narek Avetisyan says

    Definitely looks cool. And the price is really great.

  15. martin wanjohi says

    Do a review in the havana 48

  16. Sully Cortez says

    personally i loveeeee lowepro bags,and porta brace (aside from tossing everything in pelicans which I do in fact do). But I'll have to check this bag out as it looks bigger and deeper than any lowepro offerings, thanks Stronz!

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