Artists Draw WEIRD Stock Photos Based on Their Descriptions

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Nathan, Jacob, and Julia challenge each other to draw the weirdest stock photos they could find based only on their descriptions!










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  1. The Drawfee Channel says

    Don't forget to support your Drawfee pals by signing up for Dropout –, where you can watch our show Cartoon Hell, read our comics (Ladies Book Club and Cartoon Hell Presents), and enjoy lots of other neat stuff (Nathan and Caldwell are on Um Actually!). And hey, if it's not available in your country yet, it probably will be soon!

  2. Lucien Grey says

    Then-“No it’ll never be nuesday”

  3. YouTube Red says

    Am I the only one that watches these at 1.5x speed?

  4. Ella Hildebrand says

    I just noticed that the original cat snake's markings makes a leopard on it's right cheek….

  5. Sierra says

    Oomg this is the best when you speed it up lmao!

  6. CheshireKat says

    My dad had that same Dell for work like 12 years ago xD then at the end of 2011, I revived it with Linux and used it for school until the hard drive died and I got a new laptop for a graduation present. That Dell was as heavy as a baby and sooo clunky!

  7. JokerCrowe says

    I love how Jacob didn't want to use Nuesday at first, but now he's completely embraced it. ^w^

  8. Ethan Aubrey says

    Ah, the beginning of Nuesday. "never gonna be nuesday" okay Jacob, just you wait

  9. Abby Reichert says

    I love Nathan’s laugh! ☺️

  10. cody fergeson says

    The cat snake that Nathan drew looks like it has seen the almost photographic version in the stock photo and is vaguely worried that it was supposed to look like that

  11. Rice, Iain says

    Nathan’s laugh at julia’s picture is perfect

  12. lieven Van loo says

    The face the cat is making is like he's just been betrayed by his best friend and he's still processing it

  13. lieven Van loo says

    I have to say, that cat face is something I've never seen on a cat before.
    It's like the cat is making a 'what did you just say' face, there's no way Nathan would've ever drawn that.

  14. S0phisticatedZ0mbie says

    I think i love you guys. Just subscribed.

  15. Mary Sloane says

    If you'd made a drinking game out of how many times business or business like words were said, someone would've died of alcohol poisoning. XD

  16. Victoria Lambert says

    What is most disappointing to myself is that I knew exactly what image they were talking about with the cat snake.

  17. Coltin Thorn says

    I was anticipating that final image so much that when they showed the stock photo, I had to pause the video to laugh for a solid 20 seconds

    This is the greatest thing that's ever graced YouTube

  18. coykoi says

    god i would love for yall to do another crossover with the mcelboys

  19. Mike Reda says

    So good. So so good. More of these forever plz

  20. Alfie Narb says

    describe movie scenes

  21. Katie Blalack says

    I had to pause on cat snake and just stare at my screen for a solid minute. It's so bad but I want it framed also?

  22. SoulWeaver Balinia says

    That last one made me laugh so hard I had trouble breathing. It hurts.

  23. Derek Olszowy says

    What can I say, I really wanted that bonus!

  24. Kiitsune says

    Cat snake is my spirit animal

  25. Rachel Ulbrich says

    Their business man voice is just basically Gingy from shrek and I can’t stop laughing 😆

  26. Ugly Casanova says

    Damn that zombie party was almost perfect.

  27. Therese Guerzon says

    why doesnt this have more views !!

  28. ajollynerd says

    This. This is the reason YouTube exists. Forget all other things on the internet, for we have beheld Ultimate Business Multitasking, the inevitable consequence of losing the Competition Game (the 2nd most dangerous game), and catsnake next to the spectre of death, inviting us to the eternal Zombie Party ("FREE ENTRY!!"). There is nothing more to see.

  29. Blutige Tränen says

    Both catsnakes make me very uncomfortable.

  30. Andrew P. Roberts says

    two punch man

  31. Peachling says

    Its not a "cat-snake" its Long Furby!

  32. AltName7 says

    I'll admit that I don't watch all the uploads, but this is the first time I noticed them refer to Jacob by name.

  33. A Goth Named Wednessday says

    Sometimes you watch an episode twice because cat snakes

  34. blondefreak8908 says

    I found a practical use for the business man in a tub stock photo!! My boyfriend is filling out an application for a creative firm, and they ask "In lieu of a cover letter, describe yourself as a stock photo and explain why." And I INSTANTLY thought of this episode, that stock photo, specifically. He is a business major, so it made so much sense! Please see this and read it, because omg, this is a surprise to me. I thought it was just as ridiculous as you guys when I watched the video for the first time. Then actually being able to use it……. lol.

  35. Yazzy toube says

    I love Nathan’s laugh

  36. dylan Confer says

    I think I have a similar model laptop as the bath business man.

  37. Matt Hunt says

    Whenever you're not moving, catsnake is only getting closer

  38. Solle_il says

    I need to wash my eyes now I don’t like cat snake

  39. Shawn Murals says

    Get rekt by the competition game.

  40. BarneySwag33 says

    Guys, let me just start by saying I LOVE what you're doing. You guys are so funny, and talented! I have seen a few of your episodes and I'm sure somewhere it says what programs and devices you are using, but I haven't seen it yet so I figured I'd just ask, what programs/devices are you using? You make it look so easy, and I am an amateur tattoo artist looking to get into the modern side of life using technology for my art and haven't decided where to go with it yet, and I like what you got going on here! Please help!

  41. Sade Beckford says…0.0..……0….1.wY5W1_w6iVc#imgrc=gfLYGJ-tLgbpQM:

  42. Kelsey Wu says

    "Why is this exist?"– Nathan 2018

  43. Hannah Cook says

    A hyuuman

  44. Maja Holm says

    I love the competition game 😂

  45. Meg Smith says

    33:45 i thought i was the only one thinking zombies by the cranberries

  46. Ty Zimmer says

    Ok so an ad came in the middle of the video and all I heard was “he’s got big, beefy ad starts FREEDOM”

  47. R L says

    Nathans voice is a combination of shane from smosh and vern from over the hedge

  48. neko potato says


  49. Carrie Weiss says

    I do exactly that in my bathtub. Stop discriminating

  50. ArloEdits ! says

    weird comment here but nathan’s laugh gives me life

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