5 QUICK & EASY Retouching Tips When Using Portrait Pro


Here are 5 tips on how you can use Portrait Pro to create natural results, while dramatically speeding up your workflow. This video is sponsored by PortraitPro.

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  1. Enjoyed the tutorial? You can use the code WW6437 at checkout to save on Portrait Pro! Check it out: http://bit.ly/2KJ448y

  2. Rose Harris says

    Thank you I'm still trying to learn my program but I love it so far!

  3. Rob Jorg says

    wow, i would never buy this ever. maybe nice for an app for facebook selfies,.

  4. Stephen Abshire says

    I purchased Portrait Pro previously and use it for the same purpose as presented in this video. Wedding shots don't necessarily need lengthy high-end retouching and this software does a pretty good job. I agree with everything that was said in this video, but I do want to give caution. Should you ever need support you are out of luck. I submitted a support ticket and was asked to submit a session file for them to check things out. They failed to download it before the link expired so I submitted another one. I have heard nothing from them for WEEKS, not even a "we are looking into this" response. So you should be prepared for ABSOLUTELY ZERO technical support should any issues arise. Outside of that I really like the software and it really will shorten your workflow dramatically.

  5. Omar Ortiz says

    I hope you make an in depth tutorial of Portrait Pro or your workflow process.

  6. Noealz Photo says

    very nice tips 🙂

  7. Vince Revolution says

    I wonder if a landscape photographer actually had made the mistake of purchasing this for landscape work lol

  8. kojo Gyan says

    Thank you SLR Lounge

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