Tutorial How to Set up DSLR camera to work with Social Photo Booth program


this educational tutorial shows you the basic settings you need to set up on your Canon DSLR camera for it to work correctly with Social Photo Booth Software. Unlike other Photobooth software, Social Booth has you change the camera settings on the camera. This is much more intuitive and more idiot proof. If I could count the number of times I’ve had attendants accidentally change the exposure in the software I’d be rich, LOL.
If your photos are turning out to dark the easiest thing to do is adjust the camera ISO up or down. Shutter speed should be between 100 and 200th of a second. Aperture should be around 8 to 16. In a few weeks we will have a video showing off canon’s newest wide angle lens the 10-18mm lens that costs $300. Subscribe to be notfied and also contact us if you wish to buy a photobooth with social booth software.
Watch, enjoy, and email us if you have any questions:

  1. Deja Harris says

    How do i make my pictures lighter and focus so it does not make my pictures look blurry

  2. Dreamfootage says

    I followed all the rules of setting it up including the camera. The first shot live view looks great .The next 2 or three shots for the same template live view is really dark. How do you solve this?even sim.exposure does not work… THE END PRINT IS GREAT BUT LIVE VIEW IS TOOOO DARK! Please advice

  3. James Mesher says

    If this is for a booth I would go with studio settings (1/160 – f8 – ISO 100) since you're using flash. Different if you're not in a booth. But then even hand held and on camera flash I use 1/30 – f5.6 – ISO 800. Remember anything the flash hits is going to freeze if in rear curtain sync.

  4. Is that an SL-1?

  5. aaron dela cruz says

    How to connect to the laptop

  6. Euzebio Pereira says


    alguem poderia me ajudar com a tredução para portugues em audio deste video? por favor

  7. Anna Vergara says

    I have a samsung galaxy 21x camera. i am just leaning how to use it. so many options but seams i can use it with a tablet and buy an hdmi adapter. i just dont know how to use all the camera options. getting overwhelmed with all the settings. Are there any good tutorials

  8. Alastair Coleman says

    thanks for the video!! help me heaps for the 1300D

  9. Alvir Francisco says

    but u didnt set it up with the photo booth, u just pre set'd the camera wtf click bait

  10. Barry McCabe says

    Why cant we use Nikons? 🙁


    Hi I'm Emmanuel, my live view from my pic software is dark on Manual mode but brighter on Auto mode. Why is that.

  12. Jorge Luis Retamal Contreras says

    Hi i have the Canon T5 Rebel, i want to use sparkbooth, but my pc doesn´t detect my camera, is conected via USB on a windows 10 PC, please help 🙁

  13. midnightcowboydetroi says

    dump settings

  14. Adam French says

    800-1600 with flash…really high! Should be 100 maybe one stop more but that's it.

  15. Jorge Cortez says

    does anyone has a better more elegant way to do it

  16. Lalo Cantu says

    My external flash (Neewer® 200W 5600K Bowens Mount Photo Studio Flash Speedlite Strobe Light Monolight) don't work when i unplug camera off the pc what im doing wrong? is the camara setting the software or the flash

  17. cronas2 says

    800-1600 iso…???
    Obviously not using flash gear then.

  18. Deivy Da'Deal Casso says

    can you tell me what hot shoe to use? i am going to use the same camera on your video. Im stuck betwen tf 325 and tf 321 not sure which to use with a sync cable to a flash strobe. Thanks in advance

  19. musicmessengers1 says

    if you're on a tripod you can go with a slower shutter speed, with that you can also go with a lower aperture AND a lower ISO, giving you better quality in your image. You can get away with 5.6 and still get everyone in focus. you can probably get away with 1/50th of a second. Bringing down your ISO will give you a better quality picture.

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