SUPER-SPEED Photo-Realism Art Challenge!


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  1. Arkadiusz Brzoza says

    Expected a 9,5 Second Round…

  2. This video really surpassed my EGGpEGGtations!
    seriously though, this video is EGGcelent!
    sorry, but seriously, your videos are really EGGciting to see!
    but for real, I thought that them 14 minutes were going to be nEGGuludible!

    k, i’ll leave!

  3. Lexi Darnell says

    I have learned something here today , “When in doubt smoosh it out!”

  4. DieFlack says

    this puns are so eggxhausting 😀

  5. PasDeCacaIci 1997 says

    Jazza: That’s not bad
    Me:that’s not bad…. ITS FLIPPIN PERFECT!!!!!!

  6. Eden Bokman says

    What kind of pencil are you using?!

  7. Jaraad Seyad says

    Can you plzzzzzz draw a Transformers I know you know what that is

  8. Liam Robinson says

    the baby looked like a soldier and the tiger looked like a bear

  9. Larissa SPARK says

    Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha your egg yokes are so funny

  10. karrde card says

    IM GREAT at coppying but not good at all at just art

  11. B Malfoy says

    The sticker over the camera sksfhfsshjk

  12. Samara R says

    The five min Pole, thank you(my name is samara)

  13. Gavin McVey says

    The girl looks like she has a beard lol

  14. Athena Lamarre-Clifton says

    March 2019 anyone!?😜

  15. Rayhan Rezanabil says

    12:02 German Baby

  16. uDevil06 says

    12:45 I thought the tiger from the drawing was moving/coming to life lol

  17. Xp Level Googolplex says

    10:33 dem egg puns

  18. Endless possibilities says

    Photo fakism

  19. zerocold961 says

    She looks like she needs to shave.

  20. Katie-Bell Michelle says

    Im still giggling about the girls eyes he drew…they’re facing opposite sides 😂😂💀 brilliant

  21. Chris Levitt says

    This challenge was cool, but it would be really awesome to see you do one or two photorealistic drawings the best you can do.

  22. TI Allard says

    these egg puns are getting


  23. Fluffy Bunny says

    Your puns are egghausting.

  24. zainbxxx zainabxxx says

    The tiger low key looked nice though.

  25. Juana Cazares says

    The tiger is still better than what I would draw. Mine would look like a cat

  26. Christopher Fauver says

    I've been watching your channel for a long time and you've taught me quite a bit. I used to try to draw pants and I couldn't, but now I know that it's just my lack of ability to draw legs.

  27. Fifa Kid says

    The girl had a beard

  28. Cook With Shabana says

    Amazzzinnnnggggg……..ideas Jazza👍👍👍💖

  29. Nina Cava says

    This happens ALL THE TIME where I press on one of your videos that I’ve seen before and don’t remember until about 8 minutes in lmao

  30. Ana Reaps Art says

    p.s. @7:40 I only voted for "It's….. A Drawing" bc "It's Really Beautiful!!!" seemed a bit too much, however, I cannot emphasize enough my adoration for your abilities, both natural and practiced!!! #JealousOfProportions #ProAtProportions #ArtGoalsAF

  31. Ana Reaps Art says

    Yes!!!! I predominately work in realism and have always wanted to see you do more of it! i love when you try to recreate classic pieces and hope to see more realism soon! we all know you love to challenge(torture) yourself lol 😀

    originally liked @1:14 ……..
    @4:30 "Man I wish I could double like!"

    I am seriously amateur, so this probably won't mean much… But as someone who has been fairly vigorously been practicing realism for about 2 years now I am blown away!!! Screw any haters that try to point out any flaws, this would've taken me an hour to get even close to this point!!! PLEASE KEEP EXPERIMENTING WITH REALISM JAZZA!!!!!!! #SoTalented #NaturalTalent #ArtKingOfYoutube

    @6:12 Don't beat yourself up too bad! You didn't even recognize that was a goat at first glance ROTFL but seriously, for 10 mins…. THAT. IS. EPIC!

  32. Mariam Iashvili says

    Who is Samara??

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