Double Exposure Effect Photoshop Tutorial


In today’s video tutorial we’re going to create a surreal double exposure effect in Adobe Photoshop, which is based on the authentic multiple exposure technique used by Photographers, where two photographs are exposed onto the same film to blend two images together.

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► Portrait image used:
► Landscape image used:

#Photoshop #AdobePhotoshop #PhotoshopTutorial #DoubleExposure

Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator design tutorials from Chris Spooner of Spoon Graphics. Subscribe to learn how to create stunning artwork as I share my tips and tricks in video format.

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  1. LadyJuicebox says

    Honestly this tutorial started out great but you do things with no explanation or step by step on how to do things, even with the captions on this is impossible for a beginner to follow.

  2. SkywardWind says

    Exactly what I needed, good pace and explanation. If you can't use Photoshop's basics maybe that's the issue and not this tutorial…

  3. Robert Wedderburn says

    Great Tutorial!! Thank you very much!

  4. Mind scrape says

    This is not a tutorial about how to use the tools people, shut up. It's not fast. It's very clear. If you can't follow him go to phlearn dude's gonna bumble for 20 minutes straight for you guys

  5. Aiman Askandar says

    Am I literally just colouring a silhouette?

  6. TNT D0G1 says


  7. irina fawcett says

    WAAYY too fast. Tutorials are for people who are learning, not for people who already know what they are doing

  8. Small Craig says

    shut up

  9. Fml_Dot_ExE says

    Nice guide but it was hard to follow. Please for the love of god take it slower, since this is a tutorial for noobs there is no need to hurry. Also it would be nice if you translated all the mac shortcuts to the matching windows once since many of us dont use the same operating system and googling each shortcut is a long and hideous process

  10. soOpermOnkey1 says

    ur video failed me , get a new job

  11. Mr Ngubs says

    Filmora has similar effects only not as customized as you have them on Photoshop… I would like to see you do something on logo designs

  12. Pinnaple Papa says

    Girl- Do you want to be with me forever?
    Boy- NO
    Girl- Do you even like me?
    Boy- NO
    Girl- Would you cry if I walked away?
    Boy- NO
    she heard enough and walked away
    he grabbed her arm
    Boy- Your not pretty…. your beautiful
    I don’t want to be with you forever……. I need to be with you forever
    I don’t like you….. I love you
    I wouldn’t cry if you walked away… I would die if you walked away
    Boy- Please stay with me
    Girl- I will

    tonight at midnight your true love will realize he loves you
    something good will happen to you @ 1-4 p.m.
    tomorrow it could be anywhere!!!!!
    get ready for the shock of your life!
    If you don’t post this on 5 other comments.. you will have bad luck in love for the next 10 year

  13. Bob Declor says

    hey everyone, watch this tutorial instead. its about as long as this one and they actually teach you something!

  14. Punita Premji says

    Hi What if we had to do this same effect on a dark skin model?

  15. SOYEON smile says

    how did it become tutorial ? He's just talking and talking

  16. SOYEON smile says

    too fast

  17. Mr Washington says

    the only reason im watching this is because my teacher told me to 😕😕😕😕😕

  18. Marlin Miou says

    how you get three layers on 2:25 time

  19. Marlin Miou says

    where you get the pictures from the woman and landscape from

  20. agthaog1986 says

    i mean damn bro u was semi on a role in the beginning then between the speedy walk through n the accent i was very lost

  21. Derek Stevens says

    Agree it was a bit fast and took some knowledge for granted. For myself, found it perfect (having an intermediate familiarity with photoshop) and found it very helpful. Thanks for sharing!

  22. Mustafa Karmali says

    Do more photoshop tutorials. Nice video, just do it slower and step by step

  23. Aiden Foley says

    when you're trying to do this in 2019 it doesn't help that his version is from 2014 and you're working on the version from 2018

  24. Kellan Reck says

    Great effect. Nicely done!

  25. Juan Alvarado says

    Lets be real. Were not always gonna have a photo with a plajn white background….what do we do then. How can i make the background plain white?

  26. MERYC says

    Love the video because is very helpful but omg the way he explain things is so annoying and hard to understand

  27. Christian Chavez says does a better job on helping how to do this stuff

  28. mjc64 says

    Jesus, slow the fuck down

  29. mousa aoun says

    Fuking useless

  30. PearlQueen x says

    I didnt understand anything

  31. Zilare Lasson says

    too fast

  32. Zilare Lasson says

    Rated T for Teen

  33. Le'Shaun Courtney Williams says

    Too fast with no real good show of tools used. Slow it down some dude

  34. jacqueline phillippe says

    This video is tailored towards folks like me who already have a good knowledge of Photoshop. I appreciated you leaving out all the steps that are basic moves in PS. Thanks.

  35. David Curry says

    You cant teach shit to nobody… You go so fast at 2:18. God forbid i had to get directions from someone like you… Thanks for wasting my time “PRO”

  36. Haq Nawaz says

    Teach us ho to do it

  37. gerry bacharo says

    to fast

  38. nicola house says

    Even if I slow the vid down, I still don't understand what the hell you are talking about can you make a vid that explains all of what you are doing please!!!

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