1. Credit Cards For Bad Credit says

    Awesome video… I thought of this concept put didn't think to build it from an old laptop.

  2. dsbikes says

    @TheDrNate — You've discovered the joys of "Do-It Yourself" projects. Sure, you *could* just go out and buy an "all-in-one PC", but where's the adventure in that? 🙂 There's a lot to learn and enjoy just in the process of creating something for yourself. Post a video of it when you're done, or at least take some pictures so that you can show what you did (maybe to even help other folks wanting to do the same thing). Good luck!

  3. dsbikes says

    @TheDrNate — Yes, that is also an option, obviously. 🙂 I haven't looked at the capabilities of digital frames recently, but at the time I posted this (four years ago), there weren't cost-effective large frames that were internet-connected. As luck (?) would have it, the one I created for this video is starting to have hardward problems (fan or hard-drive, I think), and I may end up just buying one at a store (if that ends up being cheaper than replacing a HDD or fan).

  4. dsbikes says

    @8alonzo8 — re: fire hazard, I suppose, but I haven't noticed any overheating in the one I made. Sorry about the multiple "you'll have to figure out for yourself" comments. Part of the trouble with doing an instructional video on a project like this is that there are many variables (type of laptop and frame used, etc.), so it was hard to do a definitive guide. I may try to rework this if I have time.

    If there was something that is unclear, please ask and I'll try to clarify.

  5. 8alonzo8 says

    I really like DIY projects, but this looks like a series of fire hazard violations. Way to many "…you'll have to figure that part out yourself…", but whatever works for you. Just saying.

  6. Tanvir Afzal says

    I just loved the concept i will try it out soon…thanks for the awesome art works 🙂

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