Taking Pictures of Strangers in TOKYO Japan


Photographer Kayleigh June and I visit Tokyo, Japan to approach strangers and ask them if they’d like their photo taken!
Thank you to all the beautiful people who stopped to let us photograph them!

Photographer Kayleigh

Kayleigh’s Youtube Channel

*Any disrespectful or rude comments aimed at any of the models featured in this video will be immediately deleted* They did us a favor by taking time out of their day to allow us to photograph them. Without them, we would not have this video. So please let’s be kind!

Thank you to our amazing videographer COLA!


  1. Kayleigh June says

    That mannequin part has me cry-laughing every time! 😂😂 Such an amazing experience doing this with you in Japan!! ❤❤

  2. Piper Ang says

    The couple is so cool!

  3. Tiffani P says

    What lens are you using !? It takes beautiful shots and I need it in my life <3

  4. jule c: says

    they’re all so beautiful

  5. Mich says

    Please do this again!!!

  6. Yandere says


  7. Ethan Bordonaro says

    I fuckin love this

  8. Antonio Hernández says

    OMFG!!! She’s self conscious about her teeth!!! I wanna hug her!!! 😩

  9. Antonio Hernández says

    Amazing pics but the airbrush is too harsh 🤣💀


    All of them are so beautiful

  11. Lassy says

    11:33 that couple WOW 🔥

  12. Clarisse Davila says

    I was the one who noticed Lisa from Blackpink lol 6:56

  13. Vincent Van gogh says

    most japanese are shy in nature, but if i were you i just take their picture secretly with a long lens

  14. Mary Margaret Herezo says

    Did I just saw. Black pink Lisa manoban in 6:56????😱😍

  15. Azz Azz says

    All I picked up was, 'Omea wa mu shindiru'

  16. Filip Krišković says

    She need like 3s to setup her shot, I need 5 minutes. Jess you're awesome !

  17. jiel says

    what camera does she use?

  18. Jovan Peric says

    The girl in yellow was most natural.

  19. Nikky KeithTv says

    Who felt like those last 2 were real models. I mean i think there has just that aura and i loved it.

  20. Blanca Gonzalez says

    That last couple were goals. On point. Coordinated outfits and everything. Model quality

  21. Kasey Rabon says

    This is beyond a heartwarming project!

  22. Shani Pottinger says

    This made me want to watch some Japanese dramas 😭😭

  23. Bob Eagle says

    its easier for women to get away with that that men.

  24. lilnick production says

    The way u guys laugh while taking the photos is hilarious. Wink wink 😂

  25. Zen says

    The couple at the end were straight up models I wish they could've had more pics taken of them

  26. GVXawy says

    they all look like vogue models

  27. Kene KC says

    I love how Jessica is just a bit shy about ask these people to model for her. It just means I am not the only one that goes through this kind of thing.

  28. Sun Shine says

    Love the game lol … never want the vid to ends hhhh

  29. Christopher Franklin says

    Great job girls👏🏾👍🏽👏🏾👍🏽. I wonder if it would work if you are a male photographer like me. I was in Japan last year. I was more interested in landscapes than people. Next time I go back, I will push myself to ask strangers to take their picture.

  30. Newman Ident says

    classic case of introverts socializing! Amazing

  31. Alexandru Fiu says

    amazing video!!!!! your Japanese is amazing

  32. Clara Andersson says

    I mean why is all Japanese models?!😍❤️

  33. Gavin Burnes says

    She sounds and has the personality of Jennifer Lopez !!!

  34. J limliman says

    nice and EPIC 🙂

  35. Tenzin Chodon says

    the last two couple were like model with such a body proportion.

  36. tae yung mo says

    Lol blackpink Lisa on the shop screen at 6:55

  37. Aaron Moiche says

    That last couple looked stunning both the guy and the girl lik whuuuuuhhhhh, these videos need to be a series for sure

  38. Lachi Devi says


  39. youwotmate 0 says

    Do you guys just take these pictures or is there any chance they ask you to get these pictures of themselves via email or something. I'm kinda curious I love them videos

  40. Nikkicasitas Y456 says

    Do someone realize in 6:56 Lisa from blackpink?

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