Portrait Mode: Explained!
iPhone X vs Note 8 vs Pixel 2 vs the Hasselblad X1D. It’s closer than you might think!
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Amateur: Professional photographer will make best photo using any camera, cause it's man that does the photograph.
Professional: No. It's not true. Without proper device, You can still try to do Your best, but just any camera won't make best photo, if it lacks the functions. While the photographer *is* the most important part of a photograph, camera is a *base* for that. Proper camera can make best result. Also even amateur can make better photo with professional camera than professional with e.g. Nokia 6700. Because of what technology made for us – easier and better devices. But the amateur won't understand how to properly use that device to the best possible results. Professional still wil get better result compared to amateur in the very same device.
Also… Samsung Galaxy S10 has 5 cameras… I doubt even 5% of people would know how to use it xD
he is really bad at reacting
7:26 That's a strange frame
1:47 and then Pixel devices came
Explaining portrait mode in landscape mode
And sometimes later..apple announced the I phone xr
Apple: innovates
Android: copys what apple did
Android fan: ha see apple is rubbish and not doing anything at all
I came here to learn what portrait mode is. I went out wondering what edges detection, blur variation and a whole bunch of other things are.
Cough cough iPhone xr
i dont like AI Beauty selfies, too fake and i need Original cam.
No one on YouTube can make videos like you
I like portrait mode
I came from the future
Now Nokia has 5 camera
8:42 I saw what you did there 😂😂😏😏
is this what you wanted?
7:27 what is that?what happened there?
6:07 I I I I Am Am Am Am Grooooooooooooooooootttttttt!!!!!!!!!
bitch that eyeglasses…. perfect
😂😂🤣🤣 one minute apple is lying
LG had dual cameras before the iPhone 😂
7:25 ?????????????????
What happened at 7:26?
I am worried the camera bump on the iPhone might become a trend in the phone production.
Oh wow
1 year later ,there comes iphone XS max
Marques say blur so many times XD 🤣
That thumbnail tho
Fuck meee that hasselblad is good
Pulls out a Hasselblad like it was nothing lmao
What's that thing in the back right? And why is it constantly changing color?
I like the iphone x
Thanks for postin in 1440p god to know i can't tell the difference from 1080. POWER SAVE ON
Did you just said Hasselblad??.😮
The size of the sensor is not influencing depth of field. At all.
That apple picture was taken in Alameda, the first one
Lets agree the newest android got the best cameras
How can I record portrait mode using the xs max?
1:41 my honor 6 plus😂
Thanks for the explanation of portrait mode. I love photography on my iPhone 8 Plus and wouldn’t go back to a single camera phone simply because of the versatility that comes from two lenses. I have a Nikon that may be used once a year if that. What do you see for 2019 phones’ cameras?
I'm gonna be honest, they look the same 😂
Why is he so cute it is so distracting