Did I find the best photoshoot backgrounds? Testing studio backdrops from a different supplier


In this video I’m reviewing two very good photoshoot backgrounds from They are made from vinyl and wrinkle-free. I love the good quality! First I’m unboxing the studio backdrops and later in the video I’m actually using them during several photo sessions and showing you the finished photos. You can see Behind The Scenes videos from cake smash photoshoots and sitter sessions. The babies are all so cute! The backgrounds I got are the following:

I’m a full-time photographer in the Netherlands and I’m planning on showing you a but more of my life as a photographer. Are you interested in photography? Are you looking for a free-online Photography course? Do you want to see the inside of a Photo Studio? Then please, watch my videos and subscribe to my channel!

I’m planning on sharing videos in which I show you my typical work-week as a photographer. I will give you tips & tricks concerning photography, photo shoots, backdrops, studio props, camera settings (iso, aperture, shutter speed, white balance), photoshoot outfits, photoshoot make-up etc.

Bedankt voor het kijken! Ik ben een full-time fotograaf in Nederland en ik wil je graag iets meer laten zien over mijn werk als fotograaf. Wil je meer weten over (digitale) fotografie? Wil je weten hoe een fotostudio er van binnen uitziet? Ben je op zoek naar een gratis online cursus fotografie? Kijk dan mijn videos en abonneer je op mijn kanaal. Ik zal videos maken over camera instellingen (iso, sluitertijd, diafragma, wit-balans), studio achtergronden, fotoshoot outfits, fotoshoot make-up enz.

If you are interested in photographing newborn babies yourself I would highly recommend you to first learn about photography in general. Master you camera, photograph in the Manual mode, learn about aperture, iso, shutter speed, white balance, light and composition. Take photos of your friends (adults or very patient older kids) and make sure you don’t have to think about your camera anymore when photographing babies. Learn about editing as well. Please, don’t experiment photographing Newborn babies without training. Attend a workshop by an experienced and professional photographer with an expertise in Newborn Photography. Learn about the anatomy of babies and invest in good quality cameras, lenses and props. Babies are extremely vulnerable and small and their safety and comfort should be your highest priority. Start with simple poses and make sure you know and understand that many ‘pinterest poses’ are composites. Please, don’t try this at home. If you want beautiful photos of your own Newborn Baby, I highly recommend you to hire a professional and experienced photographer who is trained and specialised in Newborn Photography.

#fenna_and_photography #photoshoot #photography #fotograaf #fotografie #fotoshoot #photographer #behindthescenes #photoshootprops #photostudio #newbornphotography #nikon #nikonnederland

Lovely Swindler by Amarià
Somewhere In Nature by Simon More
Unconditionally by Broken Elegance 🎩
Sparks by Chaël

  1. Francisco Ortega says

    Anyone know what was the first floral backdrop she had at the beginning of the video?

  2. liat gendler says

    what is the size of the background ? w+h ? thank you !

  3. Patricia Arnold says

    What size (width and length) do you use for your cake smash photos?

  4. Hassan Yassin says

    Do you provide the cakes or the parents they have to bring it ?

  5. Hassan Yassin says

    You doing great. I love it.

  6. Cecilia Cabrera says

    Hi Fenna. Do you know if they deliver to the USA? Thank you so much for your videos, I been following you for a long time!!



  8. BraveBlueButterfly says

    What size backdrop do you use for maternity

  9. Raja Imran Khan says

    Hi Fenna, Which tripods for holding the background you are using?

  10. Andrzej Sloma says

    I love your background, please can you tall me were you buy them?

  11. jess bryan says

    Hi Fenna! I just found your videos last night, I've been binge watching and love you!! I am a super novice, but my goals are similiar to the way you work. I LOVE these backdrops in the video and saw the link, could you please tell me what size you ordered them in please? I'm in canada and will continue to watch your videos and follow you. keep up the good work!!

  12. Angelique Maez says

    Hi Fenna, for cake smash sessions is it better to get canvas or vinyl backdrops? I want the one that’s easiest to wipe clean. And what is the best size to use for cake smash as well as full length maternity? Thanks so much for all of your videos…they are sooo helpful!

  13. Saher Kidwai says

    please may I know where you white vinyl is from which you use for the first cake smash in the video

  14. Adi Fischer says

    you are amazing, a real inspiration for me. thank you for doing and sharing

  15. J Lee says

    Why is everything more expensive in America? Sigh…. Backdrops like those cost much much more here.

  16. Conor 01 says

    If you use two magic arms to pull the background taught horizontally you can get rid of the creases. Keep up the great work and videos!

  17. Marina Ginsburg says

    Where did you get the beautiful flower gerland?

  18. Mody Yosef says

    which size did you buy ? which size is enough for kids photography ? and white background is it vynle?

  19. Megan Orsi says

    Where, oh, where did you find that grey, round, wool, sort-of-spiral, blanket at 14:20? I've been searching forever! I love the pattern in it, it's beautiful!

  20. Uci Morena says

    Hi emma where do you buy your background? Can it ship to indonesia ?

  21. HaileyS Photography says

    Fenna where do you bought your Backdrop from? I mean the one you were using first for your cakesmash-shooting in 4:30.
    Is it white or creme?

  22. Sumitra Mote says

    Hi fenna…I love your videos …specially background ideas ……my baby girl 8 months old ….but i dont understand how to take her photos plz suggest me…..

  23. Petra lundh says

    First I have to say that I love your tutorial videos 😀
    Ten I have a question about the cakes for your cake smash sessions, are they what we call naked cakes in general?
    Who pay the cakes, you or the customer?

  24. Anna B. says

    I'm so happy that you like backdrops from Poland 😀

  25. Kat V says

    where can i get the bath tub and the wood trunk circle??

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