16 Best Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop Alternatives For 2018 – Weekly Photo Blog With Joe


🎥 About This Video:
For this weeks photo video blog I though we would do something a little different and I would go over 16 of the best Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop alternatives on the market. This list includes paid and free software ranging from Windows, Linux and MacOS operating systems. Even a few web based ones.

ON1 Photo Raw:
Affinity Photo:
Pixlr: pixlr.com
Darktable: www.darktable.org
Capture One:
DxO Photolab:
AfterShot Pro:
Photo Commander:
Google Photos:
DigiKam: www.digikam.org
Alienskin Exposure:
Pixelmator Pro:
Nik Collection:

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Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery – Award Winning Data Recovery Software:
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📢 Looking for Adobe Lightroom CC Presets?
Don’t pay for them, download mine here for FREE!

► Lightroom CC Presets:


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🎵 Music:
Epidemic Sound – YouTube subscription license via BBTV MCN.


🗣️ Any views stated in this video(s) or on this channel are the personal views of the author and are not to be claimed as facts. Joe’s Photo & Video Channel is owned by Joe Jackson and the property of Exodist Photography. Any logos or trademarks shown on this channel or in the videos on this channel are the property of Joe Jackson or their perspective owners.VC

  1. Jason Zimmerman says

    PhotoScape X deserves some love.

  2. Modhumita mondal says

    awesome tips

  3. Jasser Antig says

    okay wow! i love your video! so much

  4. Keith Johnson says

    Hey Joe, hope all is well. For some reason not getting your new video's have you been bashing democrats? hahaha

  5. Vee Boogie says

    Thank you for making this video because LR has been freezing and slowing me down. They need a LR and PS like program in one!

  6. dunnymonster says

    I was a long term GIMP user too before switching to Adobe. GIMP has a pretty steep learning curve but I loved it for composite work. You can't argue with the price lol. I use the Nik software as plug-ins in LR and PS and rate them highly. I can see myself potentially adding Luminar as a plug in to my Adobe package particularly if DXO decide to pull support of Nik software in Adobe and only make it avaikible within their own editing suite or as a standalone paid product.

  7. Juan Lopez says

    Thank you, great, was looking for an option to light-room, which is my favor one right now, but is getting to old and lagging. Did try capture one, but could not figure out its use for my workflow.

  8. Peter Glynn says

    The only downside of Capture one is that it only supports high end cameras and not entry level cameras like the D3200.

  9. For this weeks photo video blog I though we would do something a little different and I would go over 16 of the best Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop alternatives on the market. This list includes paid and free software ranging from Windows, Linux and MacOS operating systems. Even a few web based ones.

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