Many Things Shown With Schlieren Photography


These are several videos of things I have done in front of my Schleren setup.

Schlieren Photography allows you to visualize air currents which are otherwise invisible.

Heat rising from my hand.
Playing with a butane lighter.
RefIlling a butane lighter.
Pouring acetone vapors from a can.
Chewing on ice.
Lighting a torch using MAPP gas.
The classic candle.

  1. Quinn Arlington Waters says


  2. OFFICER_SEXY says

    really like this one, no bullshit, just nice optics. thank you.
    make a new version in 1080p 😀

  3. Swi55Milk says

    what mirrors are you using and where did you source them from/would recommend?

  4. belevtsoff says


  5. Norfeldt says

    hehe.. kinda silly to show a smoking man since you can see the smoke – the alternative to a Schlieren lens. But hey, it was his opportunity to smoke 🙂

  6. EigenvectorSeven says

    High speed that shit with explosions.

  7. Carlos Paris says

    Incredible video! How do you get the different colors on your schlieren imaging? Do you need infrared equipment or maybe digital movie modification software?


  8. ActiveStorage says

    why does it show 2 different airflows? one colored red another colored blue or so?
    plz reply thanks

  9. Michael Block says

    A fart! show what a fart looks like!

  10. chowfatfat says

    how u do that

  11. Hans says

    this looks just like the early james bond movie intros.

  12. Cameron Fain says

    i swear that your beard was making more air distortions than the chewing ice!

  13. Chase Homan says

    @squirtleenblastoise Please re-read my statement. You cannot turn fire into water.

  14. Chase Homan says

    2:34 The world is about to implode, they just made fire into water. We're screwed.

  15. BallsyBread says

    0:49 – cumshot.

  16. TAINOSUN says

    how can i make some experiments with that?

  17. glenneroo says

    you sir, are AWESOME!

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