Insta360 One vs. Mi Sphere vs. Theta V: Best Photo Camera?


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Cameras featured in this video:
► Xiaomi Mi Sphere:
► Theta V:
► Insta360 One (Amazon):
► My ENTIRE 360 Camera Kit:

Three of the best 360 cameras under $500 do battle- which will emerge as the best for photos?!

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  1. NonYourBuz says

    …why the difference in exposure on each side of Mi Sphere ?…

  2. Aleksei Buivol says

    What about Aleta S2?

  3. KitsuneTips says

    and the winer is?

  4. Christopher Catalano says

    So Theta V doesn't shoot raw?

  5. Julio Vargas says

    Hola deseo realizar tuor virtual inmobiliario cual camara recomienda para esto

  6. The machinist Mechanic says

    Theta V 🤩👍🏼

  7. eluethcan says

    Top Video

  8. The Werewolf says

    So, I just ordered an Insta360 One mainly because my Theta S, which I love, just doesn't cut it in VR. The photos are mushy and the videos are so riddled with creeping artifacts that it makes standing in the middle of a 360 video seasick inducing. The V has gyros which would help… but it's $100 more than the Insta, which features its gyros and image stabilisation as a main feature.. also, it has the bullettime feature.

    I usually use the Theta without the cell phone app, so I'm hoping I won't have to use the Insta with a phone except in special cases. Since I'll be using it in Android mode, I'm planning on rigging up a longer cable rather than the adapter they offer, which will let me control it from a distance. That's one area the Theta definitely wins… although I generally find their WiFi mode clumsy. I know in the V they've fixed this with 'client' mode.

    Overall, the V's images here are better, but the Insta is still very good, and unfortunately, for VR resolution really is important as it minimal artifacting. That's why the Insta's RAW mode is going to be very important to me.

    Thanks for the comparison, it's been very useful.

  9. MacRiooo says

    thanks for the review im goin' for theta v360

  10. MH Photography says

    Thanks for your videos, i was watching them a lot before I bought my first 360 camera.

    I just love the Insta360 one – it’s so easy for me to create my videos for my channel with it. The software on the iPhone and Mac is great, also the support is superb. Clear winner for my needs.

  11. David Portass says

    Just ordered the Theta V for indoor 360 degree mast photography (exhibition halls, stages, etc. currently send up an APS-C camera with L bracket and fish eye on a remotely controlled 360 degree pan/tilt head 7m in the air then stitch, not a quick work flow) and intending to test this weekend at an event but having seen the sharpness of the Xiaomi Mi Sphere and your video on the new firmware on it for RAW editing I'm tempted to order that too.

    I know the Theta V doesn't support DNG at the moment (something about not wanting to reveal too much about their camera tech) but it only goes to ISO 1600 where as the Mi Sphere goes to ISO 3200.

    What are your thoughts between the two for low light/convention/conference shooting and the balance between needing sharp images and noise control?

  12. 黄俊伟 says

    so cool, wanna know this kind of comparison!

  13. Edison Cm Edinho says

    Hello Ben, have you check already the new stabilization update from insta360one? from the 17/01? I am really thinking of it for my trip to the US in April.

  14. Murillo Masseran says

    Please, please, trie the Moto Snap 360, for Motorola Smartphones, i know that is not a good camera, but i wanna know if it is good enough to the price. Is it a cool toy?

  15. Jakob Perleroth says

    great video! so whats the best 360 camera for small and dark areas? Lets say you want to take a photo to show the inside of a car??

  16. mhs vz says


  17. Andrew Engelbrecht says

    Hey Ben. Does the insta360 one have a hdr mode or was it supposed to have it but never received?

  18. 4mBros says

    Getting my 1st 360 Cam, going with the XIAOMI – Love your work

  19. Jeff Requina - #WeDontStop says

    Hi does the theta v can handle selfie mode like 360one where you can totally hide the tripod in your shot?

  20. Delwing Araujo says

    i like this comparative 🙂

  21. jannyLOML says

    Ben, can you review the rylo 360 and the vivitar 360 action camera?

  22. Tapan Khanal says

    ben , hello again , i would like to ask a few things before i order my theta v. 
    1. what if i am at a no wifi zone,? how do i view what the camera is seeing..?bluetooth? 4g? 
    2. does theta software help me create virtual tours (simple tours will do though i am thinking of buying 3d vista) cupix looks good though thanks for that.
    3 is it as simple as emailing the embedded code to my clients so that they can upload the 360 pic / virtual tour to their website?
    thank you for your time ben have a wonderful christmas.

  23. 17Bullets Left says

    This is cool!

  24. jamesmckenna1995 says

    Which camera would you recommend for making a holiday montage? (beginner but can learn fast)

  25. R win says

    Mi is the best compromise that needs some color grading but feature wise it's still the leader

  26. Ulf Brusquini says

    +LIFE in 360 I think I agree with you. The Theta Ricoh V is the best choice for photos. And in stills it's simple to retousch away the laser dot and the CA. It's in videos I don't agree. Thanks for a nice video!

  27. Theo G. says

    amazing comparison…(happy Mi Sphere owner :))

  28. Paul Romero says

    An absolutely fantastic comparison video! Thank you for your amazing work.

  29. Mosman3D B.V. says

    Think this a great overview of the three best 360° camera's. It really shows which camera is the best depending on what you are going to use it for. For example, for me the Xiaomi is the best, because I do a lot of indoor street view type of photography for my clients.

  30. Explore 360 says

    Hi ben ! I've read theta v was not much better for photos than theta s / sc. What' s your opinion ?

  31. PerspeActive ! says

    Nice Ben. Theta V is, in my opinion, a little bit better than Mi Sphere.. When we see the price for both, then xiaomi seems to be the better choice yet…

  32. Mike Boening says

    Great job Ben. I have all but the Theta V. Think I might get that one next!

  33. Christian Gieler says

    Great comparison. Keep up the good work

  34. Hughesy and AJ says

    Great comparison very handy for buyers

  35. Vyviel says

    I really enjoyed the review I did feel it was a little unfair to compare multiple blended photos from the Theta V in HDR mode with the other two who were just shooting single exposures. Would love to see how the sun and the light in the hotel room looked when it was shooting without that mode turned on.

  36. Trini Jungle Juice says

    Would definitely have picked the Theta V hands down based on photo quality, but after seeing how the Xiaomi is water resistant, and the price point.. Would lean to it. Waiting to see video comparison.

  37. salmongo says

    Is xiaomi's photo taken by in-camera stitching?

  38. Jawenw3HL says

    theta v looks awesome, but I think the winner here is xiaomi mi. It has best price to performance ratio.

  39. BrownieSyndrome says

    Great video, its still hard to explain to people just how the Xiaomi is outdoing the a lot of the high end cameras despite being half the price.
    I mentioned in your last video how I managed to screw one of the lenses on my Xiaomi Sphere after using it in the snow recently. You suggested to check out the Facebook support page and I had instant results. I just had to let the thing dry properly and give it a reset. Thanks very much Ben <3
    I entered to win the Theta V just incase I couldn't get the Xiaomi working again too haha.

  40. Tim Hatcher says

    Hi there Ben you mention colour grading RAW in Photoshop a lot in this one how about your take on a how-to video for doing that?? (Please)

  41. Svend Nielsen says

    Camera firmware? Little Strange that you still get this message on

    The Insta360 ONE camera firmware ensures that the Insta360 ONE runs efficiently.
    Please update to the latest version for the optimal experience. Coming soon?

  42. Azamat Suleimenov says

    Hello Ben, very detailed comparison! I have one question: did you use raw with mi sphere?

  43. Bruce Skillin says

    Ben, Great format for this video. You combined a number of techniques you have used before and added new ones all of which worked VERY well. One of your best videos in recent memory. I hope you reuse all of these techniques in future photo comparison videos when new 360 cameras come out. I know this took more of your time than most videos, but the results raised the bar far above what other 360 vloggers are doing. Thank you for all the effort and keep up the good work in 360 photos!

  44. nr1gato says

    Theta V ✌️

  45. Ernest Chew says

    Pics on the Theta is observably better than the other 2, but as a normal consumer, the price difference is just too much. Xiaomi still the best bang for the buck imo, and nothing is really bad, so that's my pick.

  46. Illyas Ariff says

    Hey all the way from malaysia

  47. Manny Costales says

    Hey buddy, have you tried Photolemur? That looks pretty good!

  48. geschaeftsfotos360de says

    I already got the Insta360 Pro and the Insta360 One and can't wait to get my hands on the GoPro Fusion asap. But for professional VR tour panoramas i still keep using my Canon DSLR with the 8-15mm fisheye Objective. None of the 360 degree cameras can beat this oldschool setup yet.

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