Inspiration Photography Projects


Some amazing work today from YOU!

Last day to get my Lightroom Presets for 40% off!

Featured in this video:

Stefano Cerio
Toni Skokovic
Stephen Malkinson
Pierrot Jeannot
John Lawson
Barry Weiss
Ed Ruttledge
Aaron Chen
Alys Tomlinson

Music is from Epidemic Sound
AoP T-Shirts
Need a website?

On my channel you will find videos about photography, cinematography, post processing tutorials for Capture One, Lightroom and Photoshop, photo assignments that YOU can participate in, the Artist Series and more. The Artist Series is an ongoing set of videos I produce as documentaries on living photographers. I am extremely passionate about photography and video and my goal in making these videos is to share my passion and enthusiasm with you! Don’t forget to subscribe and make sure to hit the like button and share this video if you enjoyed it!

Ted Forbes
The Art of Photography
2830 S. Hulen, Studio 133
Fort Worth, TX 76109
US of A

  1. Barry Maskell says

    Ted, Great audio

  2. Michael Hillard says

    On the image at 9 minutes in the top left there is a bird flying. What is it to the birds upper left (our viewpoint)? Are we getting into the twilight zone – spooky!

  3. Billy Tziatas says

    Cool books as usual! I wonder if the zine I send you in 2018 ever reached you… or if I just missed the episode…
    It was a collection of images I shot on portra in Hamburg Germany.

  4. Overwatch Mercy says

    I love your videos! Thank you for your time making them!

  5. Aaron W. Chen says

    Oh wow, I'm glad you got and liked those prints! A guy in my camera club emailed me a link to this video (he didn't know I'm subscribed) but I was shocked to see my prints in the thumbnail!

    Thank you for the feature and for continuing to make cool videos! If you come up to the SF Bay Area, send me a shout!

  6. Barney Quinn says

    Hey Ted, it would be great to get an update on The Artist Series. It sucks that you cant put the time you want on it, but you haven't mentioned it at all recently. Any chance you could give us a little hint? Thanks.

  7. Finn Tasmania says

    Farout I love this channel so much ❤

  8. Eric Hansen says

    Thanks for featuring Ed Ruttledge’s book, it was great to be reminded of the fantastic time I had with the group. Much appreciated. Eric Hansen

  9. Skyler Dixon says

    These videos are beautiful. Thanks!

  10. TimberGeek says

    Back when we had the option of video replies (pre-google) things were less impersonal here.
    I do enjoy getting an aspect of that connection through your mail time videos.

  11. Clint Johnson says

    I think this type of video is what YouTube was created for,,,at least the good corner…You come out not feeling crushed that you don't have the latest / greatest new gadgets or that you get brow beaten because you cropped a picture or something…you come out almost smiling because some really cool people from allover the world shared their meaningful images with you..Cheers Ted,,,made my night….you do this like no other..

  12. Dman says

    It was great to see those amazing pictures… Thank you for sharing and keep going on just like you always do

  13. Stefano Cerio says

    Ted Thanks for featuring my books!

  14. Al Ponca says

    Whenever I see all the great stuff people share with you Mr. Forbes it shows how much your channel inspire people. Again, love the book done while on a long flight. Great concept and images as well as the fact that it was taken with a cellphone.

  15. chris hall says

    Would you mind sharing the discount code for adorama pics? You’ve inspired me to try a photo book of my own. I’ve only been shooting for about 8 months now but I’ve fallen so deeply in love with it that I’m out at least three times a week and once or twice on the weekend. I’d love to send you a copy when it’s complete to see your opinion!!! Thanks for being an awesome person and double that for all the inspiration you’ve given me!!!

  16. Tiny Room Studio says

    no! unacceptable! i want action hero gangsta ted and the whirling knife of death back for the package opening.

  17. Philip Shucet says

    You're a good man, Ted Forbes. Thanks for featuring Ed's book and reminding us again of what a great time we had with Hugh and you in NYC! And thank you Ed!

  18. S Baines says

    Mail time 👍👾

  19. John Taylor says

    After seeing Tony and Chelseas latest video, I'm not too sure they'd agree with your "use what you've got" philosophy…… I however agree with you, and shoot with any camera that is with me. Great video as always …. not sure sure about T&Cs latest and most of their offerings.

  20. MrVipitis says

    Good timing. Today is my 1 year anniversary on my stills camera and I visited the same indoor bike race with my dad today. I don't think my focus panning as improved a lot in a year, but it's difficult conditions.

    I made my first mock-up print of my tiny zine at home last week. I just printed it on white paper. The printed made all greyscale into bluescale but kept blacks rich.

    Either I fix that or I find a place to print my zine properly.
    You are on the top of my list for people who get a copy, so don't wait much longer. I will let you know for sure.

  21. peek101 says

    Ted, Is your right shoulder alright?

  22. Emma Blumentopf says

    I love how I feel inspired to grab my camera and start shooting every time I watch one of your videos. Is there any chance that the photo assignments will make a comeback? I would hate to be too late to the party since the photo assignments were the type of videos that brought my attention to your channel and I loved both the introduction videos to the new Brief as well as seeing the entries and your reviews.

  23. Jim Samuel says

    I enjoy your mail videos more than most others. It is good to see what photographers around the world are doing and look to them for inspiration. Much better than a video about the latest gear. I get ideas from every one of these videos. Good stuff.

  24. Ed Ruttledge says

    Thanks for featuring our workshop photos! It was an awesome workshop with a myriad of talent and perspectives in our workshop cohort. Fantastic experience!

  25. CJ MADRID TV says

    Philippines 🇵🇭

  26. Frank Mueller says

    Off Topic re Podcast Episode 18: If you hook up your WD Passport TO your Mac using USB you can format the drive with ExFAT and you can then read/write to it from Mac and Win. Love your channel. Frank

  27. Jim Lakin says

    And 3

  28. Jim Lakin says


  29. SmartPhotoReviews says

    Thanks for the new inspiring video. It helps many people a lot. Excellent work! 🙂

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