High School Tennis team being called RACIST for Snapchat photo
Georgia high school tennis players are being called racist for a snapchat photo with bags on their heads. The photo shows eight high school aged kids posing on a school bus with white gift bags on their heads.
This is such a load of shit. When you lose you put bags on your head. See New Orleans Saints circa 1980s, Bengals circa 1990 and current Cleveland Browns. It's a thing you do when you lose. And they lost in a state tourney…the ultimate bag on head qualifier.
Dude this kids look like the KKK that’s racist
Looks like a team of unknown comics !
After all these years I now find out the The Unknown Comic was a racist!
If these kids wearing bags over their heads is a crime worthy of expulsion (or worse) I would like to know Who Is The Victim? What if these kids were wearing brown grocery bags over their heads? Would they be accused of appropriating Native American culture? Progressivism is a mental disorder.
the kid in the front looks to be black. so it's definitely racist…lol
The main problem is these kids are from Georgia. If they were from above the Mason-Dixon Line we probably wouldn't have heard anything about it.
This could easily just be them hiding their faces in shame for losing the match. The racist and race baiters are just so desperate to demonize others for what they are and do. typical.
looks like a shame pic to me. Not racism..
Isn't EVERYTHING racist anymore?
i am black i see no racism in this picture. if you do there is something wrong with your brain…
i wish more people could see this. your opinions need to be heard 💯
Stop!!!! For starters did any of those kids hurt anybody? No! They did Not! How about all the rappers using the N word? How about all the illegals in this country? How about all the crime in the urban cities? Do you get it? So because some immature kids did something stupid we are going to make it headline news? This is sick!! We are going to look at their actions and stereotype white people? So many other issues than to give this any attention!
I took a shit on a white toilet this morning! I must be racist! Our kids cant even be kids anymore, this shit is getting old quick. We need a cure for liberalism asap!!
That's just because your white male privilege you just don't understand…jk
i think they should SHOOT anyone using the word racist for no good reason..
😂😂😂 I’m sorry but this is some funny shit. Of course something like this would have gotten brought up a racist act. Maybe the kids wanted to see how it felt to be a Cleveland Browns fan? I don’t see the problem here
to funny
I agree with you…
Unknown comics! Ah, probably too many too young to remember.
Doing good, Red!👍
It's hard to have a battle of wits, with unarmed opponents.
Roy Rogers' 'Trigger' in the 21st Century.
Haha! Of course they are racists! Lol
If you buy white milk, or order your coffee black nowadays they label you racist right? lol. Crazy times we're living in Red, crazy times. Thanks for the video. ✌👍