First Class Photos with a Budget Camera??


If you want to take great pictures, it really doesn’t matter which camera you use. Expensive or budget. Just get out there, take a walk around and take some photos.

For more videos, technique guides, ebooks and image reviews, visit


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Movie Scene – Jsan
Motions – Fujitsu
Music by Chillhop:

When the World Goes Down – Andrew Applepie

My camera gear:

Olympus OM-D E-M1
Olympus OM-D E-P5

Olympus 12-40mm PRO
Panasonic 35-100mm
Olympus 9-18mm
Olympus 12mm
Olympus 17mm
Olympus 25mm
Olympus 45mm
Sigma 60mm

Canon G7X
iPhone 6s
Rode lav mic
Tascam audio recorder

  1. Snowwalker says

    One of the best videos on photography. I am sorry about Balto. I know it has been over a year but it has only been a week that I have found your great channel.

  2. Lewis Loening says

    is there an advantage of micro 4/3's over full frame or APS-C ?

  3. Nessunego says

    Really good results. The point is that equipment is the last resort when you have mastered composition and hit the right places at the right light times. Many people skip directly to equipment because it is easier and fast.

  4. Steve F says

    Thank you did the inspirational videos. Sorry for your loss. What a pretty dog. I feel you pain. I lost one of my buddies a month ago too. Saddest day of my life.

  5. Norman Coutts says

    “It’s as easy as that”. Yes, if you have great flair and 30 years experience. But I don’t mean to be picky. Your message is correct: I could and should be squeezing more out of the kit I’ve got. I am definitely the weak link. I will try harder! 👍🙏🏻

  6. Andrew Galloway says

    Let's see…an entry level M4/3 camera and kit zoom that were introduced in 2009. Repeat after me. "It's not the's not the gear…(well, it IS but not nearly as much as the manufacturers want you to believe)" Best photo channel on YouTube. I know this is a year old but condolences about the pup.

  7. MyName Here says

    Buy film SLR, it can cost less than 100$ with good lense, and you'll got full frame camera, with all "pro" settings and manual controls. No need to waste money for modern plastic junk form China.

  8. Filipe Ortega says

    What a beautyfull place man! Regards from Brazil

  9. alwin bajaj says

    I got mine yesterday. Still rubbing my eyes looking at what I captured today! Lol
    Its a forgotten gem.

  10. Richard Sundell says

    Excellent video as always. So sorry for your loss.

  11. Arabella Davis/Tried &True. says

    2018: I’m watching your earlier vlogs, sorry about Balto. You’re right about the camera though—I made a photo with a $5.00 disposable camera and was able to sell one of the images for $1,000.00—the image was a daylily that looked like a butterfly. 🙂

  12. E Miff says

    Sorry about Balto.

  13. shahed mahbub says

    RIP Balto.

  14. Quality Productions says

    I'd love to see you use all your modern lenses with the GF1. I think that these older M4/3 cameras will surprise you with some very capable glass in front of them.

  15. Jeffrey Beigie says

    I have a question. When you say you shoot at f8, is that f8 on the micro 4/3rds lens or f4 which equates to f8 depth of field on a full frame?

  16. Effects Junkie says

    Poor Balto

  17. Dale Robinson says

    I've been subscribed to your channel for about a month now. I really enjoy your video style, photography information, and inspiration to get out and shoot. So sorry about Balto.

  18. Noel Saclayan says

    i wish you could do a few more old film cameras.

  19. Jonathan Fletcher says

    RIP Balto ❤️

  20. Andrew farrington says

    My first m4/3 cam too – really sorry about the pooch. They mean pretty much everything.

  21. Vali Dumitrache says

    How do you get such a huge depth of field? For example for the elevated position shot, you had 33mm X Crop Factor + F8, can't believe you had both the stone wall and the background in focus. Great video nonetheless!

  22. Antony Sutton says

    Great seeing you back Craig. So sorry to hear about Balto 🙁

  23. Ralph Cedric Basco says

    4:35 and 5:12 are my favourites!!

  24. Robert John says

    Amazing compositions Craig, with the budget gear you still get the very best results.
    Your work is inspirational every time.
    Good to see you back and sorry for your loss of a friend.

  25. Greg McRae says

    Condolences on the loss of Balto. Great video that really motivates me to get out and go for a walk; even in this horrible winter weather:). I recently had to say goodbye to my constant companion for the past 13 years:(

  26. jean gabriel laurent says

    désolé pour balto, c'est toujours avec grande peine que l'on voit nos compagnons partir.

  27. RaMGoN says

    Thanks for this video, great again. And sorry about Balto.

  28. Simon Daneski says

    Another great video. Really sorry about Balto 🙁 I'm sure you have loads of fond memories.

  29. Yuu Shigure says

    Always love your work, Craig! Your videos always inspired me. Sorry to hear about your lovely pup passing away. Run free, Balto.

  30. barry wilmot says

    Through these videos I really feel like I've got to know you Craig and appreciate your style of photography, so really sad to hear about Balto. RIP.

  31. roy hall says

    good as usual craig what brand of filters do you use

  32. Hans Mayer says

    Sorry for the loss of your pup, but keep motivating us to get out there and use what we have – hopefully with a dog!

  33. Brad Zaruba says

    I really enjoyed the images. Sorry about Balto. Carry on!

  34. Heidi Fogle says

    Thank you for your videos. I’ve learned so much from you. So sorry about Balto.

  35. Photonerd says

    Absolute agree sign you, th e newest Stuff is always promising but it's more important to invest in competition and. Camera skills than into the newest gear. I am so sorry with your dog. It's so hard to loose your best friend…..

  36. Clyde Selsor says

    I’m very sorry to hear about Balto.

  37. Miguel A. Corona says

    Always so refreshing Craig. Lately, I've viewed far too many vlogs/discussions with too much focus on the "right gear" and proper vlogging techniques. You always have a way to cut through all the nonsense and focus on what's informative and interesting about photography and vlogging. I do appreciate your ability to convey this message. I'm passionate about photography but more so about my dogs, so I wish you comfort during your recent loss. Cheers and thank you.

  38. Richard Poustie says

    Great video. Sorry to hear of Balto! Thank you Craig.

  39. FotoGeek says

    First class?

  40. strongandco says

    Point made! So sorry about your dog, they're such great companions.

  41. Simon Paterson says

    Lovely photos. Enjoyed this video but i felt saddened when i saw your dog Balto had passed away. I lost my beloved dog a few years ago so I sympathise with you. I hope you are ok. God bless you

  42. Jeffree Revell says

    Great video as usual as a lumix g5 user on a pensioners budget and a late beginner value for money is nearly as important as the photography keep them coming Graig sorry for your loss

  43. James Clark says

    Thanks Craig always look forward to your videos. So sorry to hear about Balto.

  44. Michael Shotbolt says

    Thanks again for another great vid. Really sorry to hear about Balto ❤️.

  45. Derek Gillan says

    cute pup, sorry for your loss.

  46. tony twyman says

    Rip balto… Great video

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