The Perfect Little Family Photo | Our Little Family


Michelle struggles to capture the perfect family photo to send as a Christmas card. | For more, visit

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  1. Judy Ivie says

    Are they all toothless

  2. Judy Ivie says

    I am sorry these people may be easier to baptize some cats.

  3. John Salazar says

    95% said that Jack was Cooperating

  4. Monty Singh says

    What small people called ….I really like …I wanna date ….. Please anyone suggest me the dating site specific for small people ….

  5. Lillian Jøys says


  6. btw raw West says

    Jack is sooo cuter

  7. Kyra Parker says

    Jack was cooperating

  8. Trang85 Hoang says

    Like a doll 😍dolls

  9. Trang85 Hoang says

    Pretty family

  10. Kitty Tails says

    0:36 we are missing one

  11. Mico gracia says

    This family is so beautiful 😍they're very lucky to have a parents like them ❤

  12. how to fail says

    Holy shitt how can you take them for real

  13. Tameika Byrum says

    Love this show 👍👍👍💯💯💯💯🖐🖐😃😃

  14. The Beasts says

    2:11 wtf

  15. The Beasts says


    I @LSO UPLOAD plz sub

  16. Mario Reality Shows 2 says

    So there playing around in a box of corn…


  17. Wimpy Legend says

    the little girls have weird faces its annoying

  18. Jeffry and Jefferson says

    They can make SNOW angles in CORN wtf you mean

  19. snowy snow says

    Can u start a channel

  20. Brodie Secombe says

    the little girls just piss me off

  21. Nomota Gongo says

    Omg… They are literally the cutest family… 😍😘

  22. Hevelen Bitang says


  23. THE BLUR0404 says

    Jack is cooperating

  24. yohanan kitaba says

    What a cute family

  25. Satvinder Virk Singh says

    The best family ever… No worry about the world words… Who treat them separated

  26. Aaron Edwards says

    Small card

  27. jkljdfgffs says

    Everybody ive met with a disability is so aggressive. Had a teacher like that and I hated him. Dude was completely unfair and aggressive, this girl looks the same

  28. Harmony Fox says

    At the moment for me the time is 10:25 am

    it was random but I had nothing else to say.

  29. Liana Soares says

    How did they manage to uh…yea…

  30. RealTakerslady says

    I miss this show so much

  31. Yizzy says


  32. vale Anyosa guillen says

    q linda familia 😍

  33. Donnie Quinn says

    That mom is therabul

  34. Clementina Cruz Zuñiga says

    Estos m÷ gutan en español son genialaes verlos

  35. Indrajit Mandal says

    I am little boy 7477675831

  36. Jonai Marie says

    MOM:I have the have the perfect photo

    Dad: it's not going to happen

  37. Blu Dee says

    I absolutely love the corn box photo

  38. Jesus Ortiz says

    Why am i addicted watching this

  39. Louis says

    He's the skull trooper lol

  40. Katrina Hello Kitty says


  41. The poop girl says

    I wish my mom was like that 😂😂😂

  42. Nerd For Life says

    I bet the kids are already taller now

  43. Aseel Faisal says

    So cute family i love them they are very confident

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