Ladylike Reacts To Their First Video


We were babies!

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Be Myself
Side Effects
Feeling Good
Dancing Shoes
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.

SFX provided by Audioblocks. 

Made by BFMP

  1. Jewlez Cd says

    THANOS snapped away half of them

  2. lilian balba says

    I wish Candice would come back

  3. mary grace says

    this doesn’t feel real lol it’s not really ladylike without jen & kristen

  4. Annila LI says

    Now half of them are gone 😢

  5. RawBeef1Supporter says


  6. Hey don't do that says

    Man ladylike is way more different now

  7. Althea Godoy says

    saf was wearing color

  8. Kathy 1162 says

    Saf’s dress is so pretty

  9. Kara Wheeler says

    It is as/is not ladylike

  10. Corina Martell says

    This video contains literally my favorite youtubers!! 😭🖤

  11. Veronica Armenta says

    I want these people to be in ladylike plus Jen and Devin

  12. ThePurpleRay says

    Saf, Little did she know.. She is to become lipstick queen, yaas girl!

  13. Rebecca Rich says

    Wow the crew has like totally changed, throwback to when Saf was still working for BuzzFeed

  14. Elmi Dahir says

    Chantel is literally me. I have the worst RBF but I literally could've just won the lottery; but who knows? 😅🤔

  15. Zoey Christensen says

    Who’s here after Safya got ENGAGED!!!!!!!!

  16. sweetlysarcastic says

    I see saf, I click

  17. Jennifer Seeger says

    1:54 did anyone else notice safia looking at her boobs?

  18. Donna C says

    Announcement Sagihara and Tyler are now engaged!

  19. emily furniss says

    js that sa

  20. Tayla Ericksen says

    Now saf can say my fiancee

  21. Mor Mor says

    Now its 2019

  22. Gabriella Townsend says

    anyone here from 2019
    and now to my chantel and Freddie and in it now?

  23. Stalker Stalks says

    Saf y way too cool for them

  24. Unicorn Lover says

    I’m watching this in 2019 and ladylike has changed a lot, now it is Fredd, Chantel, Jen, Devin and Kristin (I probably spelled Chantel wrong)

  25. Jaidon Savanhxay says


  26. Snow Drop 2066 says

    2019 anyone

  27. Cream Candy says

    Why did saf leave?

  28. Stella Bella says

    And now saf and Tyler are engaged

  29. Kathleen Lily Bunker says

    2019 anyone?

  30. Lesly 101 says

    I came back to watch this video cuz i was thinking about it recently and omg saf and tyler are engaged now 🤧🙌🏽❤️

  31. Cecilia Romero says

    When ladylike was the BEST!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 I only watch it for Jen

  32. Melody Altamirano says

    So glad Saf left

  33. Ava Bolger says

    Who’s the second one to the left

  34. Bella Webb says

    Now saf's engaged

  35. Lilli Johnson says

    Saf’s long time boyfriend and now fiancé

  36. E. Riley Hardin says

    SAF and Ty are engaged now

  37. Slurpi says

    Throwback to when Saf was in BuzzFeed,

  38. anna anne says

    aww now chantel is gay #LGBTQ

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