How to Capture Dramatic Senior Sports Portraits with Only One Light

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Talented sports photographer and Westcott Top Pro Matt Hernandez takes viewers behind the scenes of a dramatic senior portrait photo shoot at sunset with the Zeppelin Deep Parabolic softbox and the Zeppelin Mounting Arm.

Matt choose to shoot this high school football player at dusk, allowing him to capture a beautiful sky in the background of these portraits. Shooting later in the day also allows photographers to create more dramatic lighting.

By utilizing the Zeppelin’s controlled light output, Matt is able to precisely illuminate his subject without spilling light onto the field. To learn more about the Zeppelin Deep Parabolic, please visit

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  1. Eikichigai (Billy Woolfolk) says

    Nice tutorial. I want to give this a shot (no pun intended).
    By the way, you remind me of Lucas Black.

  2. S P says

    Great, great photo!!

  3. Suzy the Cockatoo says

    Typical teen smirking in the background

  4. Justin Case says

    Technically the stadium lights are helping so it not just "one light"

  5. jimmyfly says

    Legend has it police are still looking to question the photog about how the subject got so oily.

  6. 马鹿 says

    Who knows this guy's name?

  7. Joel Caraballo says

    In what setting did you have your white balance?

  8. Tre Robinson says

    Do you happen to remember your camera setting? Or what do you recommend shooting at?

  9. Constance S. Hanscomb says

    One light works well if you have stadium lighting to use as rim lighting!

  10. Carlos Rodriguez says

    How nice that you put the camera-

  11. DaveSincere says

    Nice shots!

  12. Ey3tech says

    No one is shocked by the camera which is filming , getting insane sky in terms of cinematography thats lit !

  13. kainirmo says

    do you have those pictures in a downloadable format? im trying to teach high school kids about video/photography

  14. Leisure Steve says

    Just for disclosure purposes, the parabola from Westcott runs $699. I don't think I even need to look at the pricing for the Profoto gear which is equally astronomical. C'mon people, you can do more with less. This is for people that slap themselves on the back for the amount they spent on their gear.

  15. Ucapture Me says

    bro, You mean , you did not go High Speed Sync??

  16. Nick Depicts says

    Why would you dislike this video. It's awesome!

  17. helious74 says

    Nice had an Einstein in it nice.

  18. kingalias says

    LOL, that's one heck of a "one light."

  19. Chip Brandstetter says


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