Photography Tips – Storm Chasing Basics: Equipment and Composition


Professional photographer Doug Gardner joins professional storm chaser Brian Barnes to chase dangerous tornado super cell storms across the mid-west. Watch and get tips on what kind of lenses and tripods can come in handy to capture some of nature’s most raw moments in the sky.

  1. Eevee-san says

    the music gives me this feel of a 90s training video lol

  2. This Epic Life says

    Nice…. I was on that Enud, Colorado rainbow tornado, too. I have some shots from the same angles. We must've been pretty close!

  3. rp currey says

    Doug sounds like he's from L.A……Lower Alabama

  4. Oxizee says

    how do you deal with the low exposures and keep noise out if you use an tripod and lowest ISO as possible? I mostly get noise in my raws even if i use ISO 100 and a tripod in the different parts of clouds.

  5. Robert Moran says

    Spectacular images

  6. Ricky Jones says

    Nicely done.

  7. Nigel Naughton says

    Should talk about the camera settings and gear you used to be more helpful.

  8. aeiq1219 says

    Great Video, I'm always fascinating by the power these storms. Can you tell me what type
    of lens was used here? thank you.

  9. Molotovitaliano says

    Hi Doug,

    What is your tripod and your câmera?

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