Nikon D70 Full Review


I absolutely love my first DSLR, the Nikon D70. This body comes with the Nikkor 18-70mm 3.5-4.5G AF-S ED DX lens. This combination produces some stunning images, and I give this camera a 9.5 out of 10. The missing 0.5 is because of a few things I mention in the video, but there is one thing I forgot to mention. The D70 doesn’t have any sensor cleaning or dust combatant features (like the air flow system that was introduced on the D60), aside from the ability to take a dust reference photo & store it (similar to the Canon Rebel XT & higher).

  1. Jesy Friedrich says

    Que bueno si estuviera en español..

  2. Hey You says

    Cut your nails, dude.

  3. Jeff Gouldsmith says

    Still love the d70! Great video.

  4. Teresa Wilkinson says

    oh god! all these amateur vids! waste of f*****g time

  5. micheal guinipaan says

    how to take videos on nikon d 70s model?

  6. Praque Forqsk says

    I've had mine for around 14 years. The design flaw is that it tends to underexpose but it can be overcome easily.

  7. Minh Vaj says

    có quay được video không bạn ơi

  8. Anarchy's Son says

    Hi, thanks for such a thorough review. A very dear friend of mine has been shooting the D70 since about the time it was released and steadfastly refuses to give it up. 😉 She is a FAR superior photographer to me, a Fine Art major to boot, so in 2017 I see that as a heck of a testament to the staying power of the venerable D70. I hope you're still enjoying it and thanks again.

  9. Melody Crawford says

    The comments on this review are so disrespectful!! If you can't be nice don't comment !

  10. Tokiofritz says

    A friend's clearing out an office and called asking if I wanted a Nikon D70 for free. No video, low grade view screen and 6MP. My iPhone will do a better job. I'll advise him to sell it for £50 on Ebay.

  11. TC thaicity channel says


  12. Ratan Samuel says

    bro which is the best between coolpix p 100 and d70..and does this d70 have slow motion video recording

  13. Rahul Dabaria says

    why does it show "chr" instead of picture left number

  14. Mary Lou says

    I have this camera for ages but till now don't know how to use it. Very complicated to me..

  15. Nejra says

    Where is optional for countdown Greetings from Bosnia and Herzegovina

  16. Barbara Marks says

    Trying to learn the focus…Apparently Single Focus is better to use?

  17. OTOMOTO ID says

    this camera can record video or not?

  18. Raluca Marius O says

    can you please tell me how can I set the timer? thank you

  19. Jonathan Fairchild says

    My boss is always bugging me to do photos for company events, So I decided to finally get an actual DSLR. I just bought a D70 because it seemed like just the thing. Mainly, I wanted to use the Nikkor lenses I already have. I got my D70 off of Ebay for less that $100. It is a surprisingly solid feeling camera, and has good balance with my AF Nikkor 50mm 1.4. I like the fact that even though it feels solid, it's not the size of a bazooka like the pro DSLRs. It's not a whole lot bigger than my F3.

    To me, the camera's biggest sin is the tiny size of the eyepiece. I think I'll be sticking to AF since there is no center split image focusing aid. In aperture priority with a lens that has an aperture ring, is there a way to change F-stops with the aperture ring instead or the little wheel? I've been using these old lenses since the nineties, and using the little wheel on the camera instead of an aperture ring just isn't natural for me.

  20. LevitatorMusic says

    most feminine hands I've ever seen on a man in my entire life.

  21. Toko Plasma daya utama says

    how to taking video? i need to make video from this camera and upload to youtube

  22. rena Moe says

    hi I would like to know how can I transfer the pictures from my camera to my smart phone and thanks for the video

  23. Tony Tarquinio says

    This camera was my first DSLR coming from approx., 38 years as a film photographer. I am very much impressed with the solid build quality, image quality and easily understood features. My only regret is that I took so long to come over to digital photography. Wonderful camera, I can highly recommend it for basic learning and beyond. Thanks for reading and again, many thanks for a very comprehensive video. Tonyt

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