How to Draw 3D Letter M – Drawing with pencil – By Vamos


Drawing 3D Letter M with charcoal pencil. How to draw letter M.
Cool anamorphic illusion. Awesome trick art. Trick art for kids & adults. Artistic drawing with Vamos.
✅ Hungarian anamorphic artist Sandor Vamos creates incredible trick-of-the-eye,

• Material used:
Paper: A/4, white.(Fabriano Elle Erre 220 g.)
STABILO Pen 68. dark grey.
DERWENT charcoal pencil dark.
Paper cutter scalpel.
Kneaded eraser.
Cotton material.
♪ Music:
1. Switch It Up – Silent Partner,
2. Electro Sketch by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
Artist: /
3. Bounce House – Silent Partner
(Youtube Music Audio Library)
4. Real World – Silent Partner,
(Youtube Music Audio Library)

By Sandor Vamos. I’m Hungarian.
Copyright © New video. Vamos. All rights reserved.

  1. Fatimazohra Ismaili says

    C est tres bien j ai adoré cette dessin

  2. ヒロマサル says


  3. Ron K says

    Try 2x speed

  4. RJパッキー says


  5. OfficieelJens says


  6. Tanvir Ajani says

    Best art
    My name is with 'M'

  7. Mike R says

    Shit is crazy…

  8. Lorena Castellanos says


  9. Aaron Meeks says

    It's says with "pencil" but still pretty awesome

  10. Hans Schtuk says

    What did you use to imprint the guide dots?

  11. Dogbey Lawrence says

    Wow this artist is awesome

  12. Rn Watches says

    I love it so much <3

  13. 나라콩지 says

    와~~~우 👍👍👍

  14. SA Khan says


  15. Nate Jones says

    what was that tiny eraser thing?

  16. 羅峰 says


  17. David Eisemann says

    WOW thanks for sharing that I tried it and now I have a new hobby great video just WOW

  18. preet kumar says

    Artists {all type of } are great because they are pure

  19. Anto Smd says


  20. Evangelina Gomez Contreras says

    La imagen primera estaba recortada y la última dibujada

  21. Pritlesh singh yadav says

    WoW great job

  22. Edward Leas says

    All drawings look flat to me

  23. Alan Marini says

    You are the master of Illusion (on paper at least) BRAVO.

  24. Marina Timofeyeva says


  25. Babar video says

    good and try B alphabet



  27. JenIStoN JenI says

    JP nu potu draw panni thanga

  28. Ruslan Ruslan says


  29. ALPHA RICCO says

    Super Thanks

  30. Subhranjali Patra says

    I love this academy very much

  31. Subhranjali Patra says

    Nice 3d art keep on

  32. Alessandra Reis says

    Gente esse (M) em 3d e lindo 😮😱

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