Come with me to my Photo shoot/ school| trinthealien


If you haven’t seen the pictures already they are on my Instagram @trinthealien, I hope you enjoy this vlog sorry I know it’s long overdue💚 -TTA437

✨Photographer’s Instagram:

✨My Instagram:

Check out my little brother’s gaming channel💚:

  1. NTA 428 says

    Can we get all the hairstyles, as a tutorial pleaseeee❤❤👽👽???

  2. cubandollz says

    Your references are killing me 😂💀

  3. IT’S. ANiyah says

    tha fact that u listening to jah and ski and ur gorgeous makes me vibe with you 10x more

  4. Iizzieii KOSS says

    Yep and she put the cereal before the milk, she ah real wan 👏🏾👏🏾

  5. Iizzieii KOSS says

    I’m sorry but I love this girl you got a loyal subscriber forever PERIOD 💙🤣🤣

  6. Manic Pixie Dream Girl says

    You remind me of Eris the Planet but grungier lol it's cool i like it

  7. Manic Pixie Dream Girl says

    You looked so gooooooodddddddd for the Photoshooot. You should do a look book and like momtage of hairstyle tutorials or sum. I'd def watch them.

  8. Sheridan Wright says

    She reminds me of Rico nasty😱😱😱😱

  9. Kizzie TV says

    omg i say water the same way, i talk different nd ppl always mockin me like bruh, ik wht i said😂

  10. Jacklyn Monroe says

    You look so cute making me wish I was a model 😍

  11. Bails says

    And you like X and Ski!! A fav!

  12. Bails says

    This video was hella funny 😂 has anyone ever told you that you act like Quensadilla? 😂

  13. 毒性Toxic._key says

    For your next video can you do how you edit your pictures 🐍⛓.

  14. Shamar Lalande says

    Nick, fuga, and david are hideous 😂

  15. Neeya j says

    The picture of sonic 😭

  16. Chelsea Winfrey says

    So what’s the Instagram

  17. Unathi says

    Wait wait wait. You’re about to be 18 🙀

  18. tia salmon says

    I love the intro so muchhh😭how did you make it

  19. DaniBrookes Exposes says

    Why the playlist at the photo shoot identical to mine?😤

  20. Lightskin_ Taytay says

    U are so Beautiful with or with out makeup and your funny 😂😂😂

  21. iammm_ jayyy says

    I’m your 500 subscriber it’s littt 🔥🔥🔥🖤

  22. Jasmine Lee says

    I wish we went to school together lol You’re so naturally pretty ! 😩😍😍 start modeling more definitely photogenic this shoot 🔥🔥🔥

  23. Erika Sherman says

    Intro song?

  24. Squidbubbles says

    Honestly this made my day 😂😂😂💘🥰

  25. steezy gengentsu says

    sauce god ali

  26. Shea Butter Glow says

    Intro lit ASF <3 love you trinnnn – Flo

  27. asha sydney says

    I love your Instagram account and you’re yt 😭💜 are you from MD?

  28. Sherry Lee says

    Yay new videooooo😩✨🔥

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