What Is The Resolution Of The Eye?

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Vsauce video about the FRAME RATE of the eye:

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“Endings Without Endings”:

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  1. Gabe Reynolds says

    Did you just go to India for a 30 second clip?

  2. WyldeGi says

    How to ruin watching a movie:
    *Think about how much you miss of the film when you blink.*

  3. Toad says


  4. :D says

    My Eye probably has the same Quality as Pewdiepies camera, I have like -5,75

  5. J's Plays says

    T series Collab alert!!!!!!!!!

  6. JÚLÌŪS GØMËZ says

    How to basic

  7. Water Peanut says

    One day we will have pixels that have an area of 1 yoctometer

  8. chromosoze's account says

    5:24 wow look at how many tabs vsauce has open

  9. Sanajit Das says

    This song is from the movie-" student of the year"

  10. bestgoo 098 says

    Holy shit where in the matrix

  11. Ivan Hendriks says

    6:39 Phil Plait makes a cameo.

  12. Sergeant Leo says

    What if mankind created a 600 megapixel camera?

  13. Gametime 24/7 says

    My Asian friend sees 1080x by 1080y.

  14. Karma says
  15. Nym_ply says

    who wanna overclock eyes with me

  16. Dripin Beats says

    1444 x 1080

  17. TSG Nickos says

    My eye quality is 1440×1080

  18. The Real Matthew says

    4:15 doesn't work for me

  19. lord tachanka says

    We all have 50k eyes

  20. kelly d3 says

    In the end, it's human eye

  21. Botts King says

    What about field of view

  22. SmashbrosGod 111 says

    Always wondered this

  23. Dire gamer says

    My s10+ looks better then real life I rather see s10+ than real human eye

  24. GucciCrocFlops says


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