Outdoor Bridal Inspired Portrait Photoshoot With Off Camera Flash (OCF) || BTS


In today’s video I’ll be showing a quick behind the scenes of a bridal inspired photoshoot I did alongside Mr Adore. We shot EfikZara who is a beautiful natural hair vlogger/violinist and the Makeup was done by Jide Of StOla who happens to be one of Nigeria’s top Makeup artists.
We both shot with a canon 5d Mark III and a Sigma 85mm 1.4 Art. I also shot some images with a Canon 70-200 f2.8 lens.

Video was shot on the Sony A7R III and Sony 28mm f2 FE lens.
Video Credit –

Makeup Artist:
Youtube –
Instagram –


Kindly Like, Share and Subscribe to my channel.

Cheap Off Camera Flash (OCF) High-key Beauty Lighting Setup –

Take Your Outdoor Portraits To Another Level:

High-End Beauty Retouching In Photoshop and Capture One Pro:

Be sure to check out my other videos on Frequency Separation and Dodge and Burn:

Ultimate Guide To Dodge and Burn:

Pricing For Photography: Don’t Do This!:

How To Grow Your Creative Business:

How to get amazing skin tones:

Quick And Easy Color Grading Tutorial || Fall Effect:

How To Edit Natural Outdoor Portraits:

Frequency Separation Action:

Email: princemeyson@gmail.com

SNAPCHAT: princemeyson
|depth of field| |shutter speed| |iso| |learn photography| |dslr|

  1. abdallah majid says

    my email majid.abdallah93@gmail.com

  2. abdallah majid says

    hey prince can I get some raw file from you, wanna practice

  3. The Stewarts says

    i would love to see how you edit skin in ps…

  4. ayoro joseph black says

    Please just teach me how to edit…I love the brown shade been struggling with it

  5. Julius Ssekidde says

    Prince please I wanna see you edit this video

  6. Abdulbaaki Salami says

    Prince Meyson, As the good man and mentor that you are…Please post a video of how you edited this image..We wouldn't mind the RAW image link tooo…..You do not know how much your channel as improved my editing skills … from 0 to ~~~>>>>>

  7. Eda Daniel says

    Pls show us how you color graded ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

  8. L White says

    What soft box bro…. and yes show edit

  9. imad ulayi says

    what software do you use to edit?

  10. Michael Praise says

    Great work man! As usual.
    Please we really will love to see the retouching process. Thank you


    Sure I would like to see how you color graded. Pls thanks

  12. Hardened Studios says

    longer bts and play as b-roll as you edit please

  13. Kรฉtiana Bello says

    I love it!!! ๐Ÿ˜ Please show us how you edited them!

  14. Please Sir, my Capture One Pro has expire. Can you assist me with Serial Number or any key to unlock it. Thank you God bless you. As i wait for your reply.

  15. Prunelle D says

    Yes we want to see the retouch….

  16. Emmanuel Kelz says

    Please can you show us how you pose?

  17. iji moses says

    you shot at Oda Crescent…
    My street!!! . wish I knew๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  18. iji moses says

    you shot at Oda Crescent…
    My street!!! . wish I knew๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  19. iji moses says

    I love this video. … wish it was as long as the others. I really want to see how you retouched please make a video!!!!

  20. iji moses says

    I love this video. … wish it was as long as the others. I really want to see how you retouched

  21. iji moses says

    I love this video. … wish it was as long as the others. I really want to see how you retouched

  22. anekwe chike says

    yessss. Also share a link to download capture one pro. thank you

  23. Afuwai Swanta says

    Sir, you really inspire me… Nagode!!!

  24. Jeffrey suttle says

    great work would love to see you retouch theses images

  25. Abimbola Oluwakayode says

    I enjoyed this video and the photos, I am looking forward to seeing how you edited them

  26. Opas Onucheyo says

    I see your liquify bros!!

  27. Opas Onucheyo says

    abeg!!! do the video!!

  28. Loco Gomes says

    Prince you have the best beauty shots i have on ig.. GOOW WORK MAN!!!

  29. simmers100 says

    Hi Prince I enjoy your videos very much. I see you do a balance of indoors and outdoor photo shoots, whats Nigeria like for photographers? Many parts of Africa I get hassled a lot by local police and it seems impossible take any photos out in the street for "security" reasons, do you have to inform the local authorities before venturing to the streets for a shoot! Cheers.

    PS. Please do more outdoor shoots!!

  30. URIUS Joseph says

    It would be great to see the retouching Bro… Great vid

  31. Frimpeezzy Media Productions says

    Whatโ€™s the program u are using besides photoshop? I see u use it a lot

  32. EfikZara says

    This is AMAZING and that muse is soooo beautiful ๐Ÿ˜! Please show us how you retouched!!!!

  33. Mark Bromley says

    Can you add more than one (1) watermarks/logos in Capture One Pro?

  34. Mr. O says

    Video edit! What time in the day was the photo shot?

  35. Marayray Ferrell says

    Please show a video of your edits! ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. Olayisade Oluwatobi says

    Wanna see the photoshop edit

  37. Mahym says

    Definitely Definitely want to see an edit. Absolutely love the result. Nice and warm! Beautiful!

  38. A.Q Bayo says

    I love this.

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