A initially learned photography as a kid shooting black & white then developing the photos in a dark room, that was a magical time and sparked my interest in photography. As I got older I dabbled in digital photography but wasn't until my kids were born that i really started to get an active interest back in it all.
what is that episode
George Constanza is such a hottie in that scene. 💪👨😍💕
“Not so fast…pretty boy.”
Hahah when he puts his hand up and opens his mouth makes me laugh every time
George is bald yet Kramer turns the fan on.
Turns on fan ,so scalp can blow in the wind….😁
George is so cute lol I find him really attractive for some reason
you are a lover boy…you are a lover boy HAHA best show ever
Lololololol you are a lover boy
songs name pleasesssssssss
This is early sexting.
i want you to relax and have fun, cause your a fun guy
I found a poster of this for only a penny on amazon!
feel the beat! hahaha
Oh, yeah, this can't miss.
hes got some real strong pecks that george.
@PlanetSeinfeld Ladies? I think there are more men who would do George!
@destiny6666 blow it out your ass.
@patrickj25 – your sooooo gay!!!!!!! 🙂
@patrickj25 I wanna replace my sister's Twilight Robert Pattinson poster with that poster.
George never learns. Any advice or help he gets from Kramer always backfires.
the timeless art of seduction
Lol,I love that Kramer turned on a fan to give George´s hair a "windblown" effect even though hes bald.
When he raises his arm I just lol