5 Disturbing & Unexplained Photographs


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From the terrifying photograph of what looks like a man stood lurking outside of a cabin in the woods to an unknown man hiding in the bushes at the Grand Canyon.

Here are 5 truly disturbing & unexplained photographs.

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Special Thank you to CO.AG for the music!

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  1. McKinley Alvarez says

    Not sure why you would include a photo from 9-11. Upsetting to see someone trying to figure out how to survive, but definitely not unexplained.

  2. Them says

    "some people believe it's the grim reaper" >.>
    i don't want to live on this planet anymore.

  3. Tanimation says

    For the grand canyon photo the resolution of the person in the trees is a lot better than the rest of the image. And there's no way the camera could have focused on him with all of those trees around. So I'm assuming its photoshop

  4. Arthur Toppan says

    9/11 was caused by the White Man.

  5. Anonymous Person says

    The first one it looks like there is a man's face in the rock directly behind the guy standing up

  6. 007 Dfjk says

    Stop the video at 1:00 minute exactly I think that person looks croped into the photo

  7. Charlie Power says

    Why does the man hidden in the first photo look like shaun dross

  8. THE REALM says


  9. THE REALM says


  10. InternutzTroll says

    The guy in the cape reminds me of David Bowie in the man who fell to earth which also came out in the 70s

  11. globular ninja says

    he looks like a kid on a rock

  12. Cujo says


  13. Samuel Esparza says

    Sorry but 911 was a false flag…who needs to be ashamed are the corrupt officials who were behind this..and will never be charged for this massacre…..My condolences to the innocent victims..God bless…

  14. Bee lie Gee lie says

    The first one i noticed he seemed to be wearing a hoodie or something…were hoodies even a big thing in the 70s???

  15. Endless Waltz says

    Job well done!!

  16. pje. says

    "The Man looked like her Husband.." – you can tell that by looking at a picture of a dark figure?

  17. Paul Jenkins says

    The pale looking creep hiding in the bushes behind the man standing at the cliff of the Grand Canyon was not there to commit suicide. He was there to kill that man. But when he saw that the man was not alone, he could not carry out the mission of death because the cameraman would have been an eye witness. The man would have been another victim of 411. Eventually, they may have found his body. But it is also possible that nobody would have found him. He is alive today because the cameraman was there with him. Never ever go into the national parks, forests, and mountains alone.

  18. Walter Golston says

    a skin walker

  19. Saucin Daucin says

    The first photo…you said he was a lot taller….that’s probably because he was on rising land. The dude who was on the edge of the cliff was at the bottom of the little hill.

  20. cannibal vegan says

    the first one is just a white dude in a hoodie..

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