The Art of Portrait Photography | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios


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Humans have been creating likenesses of each other for thousands of years, but with the introduction of photography, a new language developed for capturing the human image. Photography created opportunities for not just for biography and documentation, but also depth, empathy, and experimentation. Many portrait photographers today elevate their work from mere photo to art, communicating ideas and capturing the human subject with dignity, all while exploring the meaning and potential of portraiture.

Matt Hoyle,
Bex Finch,
Jamie Diamond,
Ethan Levitas,

Photographs by Ethan Levitas (in order of appearance)
1) Kelli O’Hara for The New Yorker
2) Dr. Mehmet OZ for The New Yorker
3) Jane Alexander for The New Yorker
4) Sheila Heti for The New Yorker
5) Bon Iver for The New Yorker
6) Takashi Murakami for The New Yorker
7) Hani Furstenberg for The New Yorker
8) Cai Guo-Qiang for The New Yorker
9) Seth Numrich for The New Yorker
10) Greg Ousley for The New York Times Magazine
11) “Past Perfect #3”, series from series, 1997
12) Cat Power/Chan Marshall for The New Yorker
13) “Group/Portrait #33,” Japan, from series, 1999
14) Nikolaj Hubbe for The New Yorker
15) Fiona Shaw for The New Yorker
16) Capt. Sam Brown for GQ Magazine
17) Ethan Hawke and Gordon Clapp for The New Yorker
18) Tristan Sturrock and Hannah Yelland for The New Yorker
19) Animal Collective for The New Yorker
20) Rudresh Mahanthappa for The New Yorker
21) Carol Bove for The New Yorker
22) Greg Ousley for The New York Times Magazine

1) “Dance of the Dragonfly” by Spiriax –
2) “Spirit” by Phyrid –
3) “Sadness” by Emorej –
4) “Waltz into the Moonlight” by Anitek –
5) “Arrival of the Birds” by Lara Bartlett –
6) “White Obsidian (Original Mix)” by Xan –
7) “instru07” by SeBTeiX –

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  1. Wow, as the saying goes "nothing new under the sun". I find so many similarities to an article I wrote recently on portrait photography

  2. Dana Church says


  3. Sam Zhai says

    Thank you so much for doing this. This is exactly what I want to share with the people around me.

  4. Miley onDisney says

    2:10 – Damn, that vocal fry! Can't listen to her.

  5. ker der says

    Very interesting… Bravo

  6. Simon Jeacle says

    Can't describe how much I hate hate hate that dumb-fuck background music. Ruins this excellent video, but, sorry I just can't watch it.

  7. Wilson R says

    wrong Egyptians were not the first Assyrians were, you're welcome

  8. Jennifer Odisho says

    im doing this for photography hihi comment on this so i dont get bored people

  9. Dead Meme Reviver says


  10. Francisco Ortega says

    I loved this video. Personally im working on a portrait series giving realism or a face to mental illness.  My plan is to cover every mental illness.  I started with depression and suicide. This shot was really successful and deep. My second is schizophrenia. Then I will continue from there on. Thank you for sharing this video very inspiring.Frank

  11. newpixeldude says

    Finally a video showing real artistry from amazing creators. Those images stay with you as you watch them

  12. Imperious Images says

    Any one know what that shark tooth patterned object between the camera and the subject seen at 1:20 is??
    Could it be something for portraits to make some type of vignette?

  13. Ho0pz4sho says

    This is absolutely beautiful.

  14. Maddy Al says

    Wow i love this video

  15. Chandana C says

    Subscribed !! Great video and content

  16. Beautiful video on portrait photography

  17. Joy John says

    this was a horrible video

  18. Beto Noxs17 says

    I came for info and i got almost to tears by the story

    Nice video, thanks

  19. FatRabbitRush says

    I really liked the constructed families series.

  20. Tyler Magee says

    draws you in right? haha I also love it

  21. / says

    5:49, beatiful

  22. / says

    Fucking loved this. 4:15, super fascinating concept.

  23. Oliver AB says

    Very good video but just one thing, the music that starts around 5:20 is definitely not "Arrival of the Birds" by Lara Bartlett. I mean sure Lara posted this on her soundcloud but she does not mention that it's in fact "Saturn Strobe" by Pantha du Prince. Not cool.

  24. Hatem Kotb says

    "I wanted to give him the power over his image."
    That was neat.

  25. Juan the Alligator says


  26. Matthew Cosslett says

    If you guys want to look further into portraiture i highly recommend Benoit Pallie's 'stranger' project.

  27. Snooks says

    Thank you. This was thoughtful and inspiring

  28. Marcelo Colin says

    I dont know. What are you? What are we really?

  29. S24882403 says

    Who does the guy with the glasses remind me of?

  30. Maker Flix says

    Added to MakerFlix(dot)com!

  31. John Lenin says

    Photography today is all about gimmicks. Everything is based on some drunken conversation "wouldn't it be neat if we did X?", then adding some kind of self-serving explanation after the fact to make it seem meaningful. And, of course, that's where it should stay – as an idea floating in the bottom of a beer can.

  32. ijeremyoliver says

    I feel like the 'selfie' should have been included in the history? Maybe that would have distracted from the mystique of the piece as a whole.

  33. Ian Olsen says

    Is that Dustin Browder sword swallowing?

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