Taking Pictures of Strangers


Thank you to all the beautiful people who stopped to let us photograph them!

PART 2 ►

Rachel ►
Daniel ►

Their Youtube Channel (Mango Street) ►

Special thanks to Irene for helping us!



*all people featured in this video have given us verbal consent to be photographed and appear in this video!*

Any disrespectful or rude comments aimed at any of the models in this video will be immediately deleted. They did us a favor by taking time out of their day to allow us to photograph them. Without them, we would not have this video. So please let’s be kind!

  1. Jessica Kobeissi says
  2. Aryan Aryan says

    Camera name???

  3. F D says

    What lense did she use, anyone knows?

  4. Revive memes says

    I have a camera and my camera its NIKON P610 because im Noob

  5. nandini biswas says

    They can turn normal people into models!!!💜💜

  6. drea says

    this video proves everyone is beautiful

  7. I wanna Be a chair says

    What camera is she using?

  8. Gavin Burnes says

    She sounds and has the personality of Jennifer Lopez !!!

  9. Eloise Poolkerd says

    What Camera Do You Use?

  10. Lila S says

    That girl whit the red/orange hair is so beautiful!

  11. Lapse says

    6:25 – she is gorgeous!

  12. Ikun Dein says

    I also want to be photograph by you!😍your shots are amazing!! I am from Philipppines I hope you go here too especially here in Baguio. Thank you ☺

  13. 이현재 says

    You shpuld try portrait strangers in seoul fashion week

  14. Michelle Padilla says

    The guy with the gray shirt and tattoos looked like a model

  15. Lauren Policarpio L. says

    what camera do you use??

  16. Tiffany Li says

    I’d never have the nerve to talk to strangers

  17. moto moto says

    I just found out, Irene participating in this session … hehehe

  18. JIRADET Ponari says

    9:18 Lovely

  19. Thomas Dawson says

    Still one of my favorite videos on youtube.

  20. Meena Kasi says

    She is standing in the place where michael jackson's thriller was taken !!!!!

  21. Disco says

    funny how she missunderstood strangers

  22. Leslie says

    Awww 1st dude was so shy but his photos came out so nice

  23. Hana Avocado says

    They’re all so pretty, what the hell

  24. Jimmy Kristanto says

    the guy in 5:28 is me (for fashion taste)

  25. Mustafa Hameed says

    The tokyo girl 🥺🔥

  26. One4All All4One says

    I been kicked out before but this one look like private property to me. Also I stopped using flashers when shooting around the city. Its like a magnet for getting kicked out.

  27. Jadir Jafir says

    I am a beginner photographer and started just a few months back can you guys give me some tips on editing please.

  28. Alexandra Victoria says

    Should I take photography as a course for college?

  29. Julie Alcin says

    My favourite was the girl from Tokyo. She's so cute!

  30. blxssomx. s says

    7:12 she’s pretty 😮

  31. hxneysouls _ says

    I would be the first when in line xD

  32. kyla kaiser says

    8:43 they look like their modelling a cool clothing line.

  33. 김れお says

    Yet,another person from Japan nailed it again

  34. Abby Dadoll says

    third guy is hot who is he ? ,

  35. SyMpHOny says

    8:25 dude can get it

  36. Daily Street Photography says

    Top notch content always, Mango Street

  37. Finn Barnes says

    What lens

  38. Zizi Lohe says

    "I don't even talk to people I know"
    Me: Same

  39. Justin Mann says

    What camera did you use?

  40. Daniel Leybag says

    What about visiting Baguio City Philippines.

  41. Beyond Gaming says

    Didn't Rachel's sign say "prtraits"?

  42. Matthew Martinez says

    What camera did they use ?

  43. Shabnom Dina says

    Hy you use 50mm prime leans?

  44. Imprft says

    Why not a stand next Time

  45. Janioong says

    i would LLLOOOOVEEEEE to be photograph by you:(

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