NEVER APOLOGIZE for your Photographs :: New ZINES!


Some new photography zines in the mail today! Many people apologize in the notes included with their work of how it can be better, or printed nicer – folks never apologize for your work!! You did it, it reflects who you are – you took the time to make something and that is beautiful. Never stop and never downplay your own work…

Featured in this video:

Ibarionex Perello – Making Photographs
Randall Ford – Animal Kingdom
Mark Pondsford –
John Adair
Chris Leskovsek
Jim Barraud
Keith Tomlinson

Check out my other videos:
• Why Its Important To Print Your Work
• The Establishing Shot
• Why You Should Be Using Lightroom Mobile
• Switched To An iPad for Photo and Video Editing
• Camera of the Year?!?

Music is from Epidemic Sound
AoP T-Shirts
Need a website?

On my channel you will find videos about photography, cinematography, post processing tutorials for Capture One, Lightroom and Photoshop, photo assignments that YOU can participate in, the Artist Series and more. The Artist Series is an ongoing set of videos I produce as documentaries on living photographers. I am extremely passionate about photography and video and my goal in making these videos is to share my passion and enthusiasm with you! Don’t forget to subscribe and make sure to hit the like button and share this video if you enjoyed it!

Ted Forbes
The Art of Photography
2830 S. Hulen, Studio 133
Fort Worth, TX 76109
US of A

  1. Randal Ford says

    Thanks for the shout out Ted!

  2. Frederic BONNEAU Photography says

    Thank you for your work in educating the photographers community! I am looking to start publishing some of my work through zines prints. Could you please recommend a few US online printers who offer online templates and high quality printing. Thank you.

  3. Cameron Stone Adams says

    SO DOPE. makes me want to shoot.

  4. Niel Lambrechts says

    Randal Ford’s book seems splendid, I will certainly be following his work from hereon forward!

  5. David Sommars says

    Bro, never cut TOWARDS yourself… Your a reverse samurai waiting to happen..

  6. Ian Johnstone says

    Those Mail Time zines with coffee before work commitments was a mistake.. X100F tugged to ACROSS this autumnal morning instead. Cheerz. Newcastle AU

  7. Ellen Huber says

    Hey Ted, how does one go about making a zine?

  8. michael brogan says

    MAYBE I AM WARMING TO YOU. I LIKED THE VIDEO – IT SEEM NEUTRAL (unlike the earlier stuff you did pushing Sony)

  9. Donald Collis jr says

    I have to say the .jpg is such a funny Shirt. A just appose to the I shoot Raw branding. Funny as F!@#!!!

  10. Lemon Lime says

    Dick Cheney approves of this video. NEVER APOLOGIZE !

  11. Barney Quinn says

    Is The Artist Series still a thing?

  12. Eniot Neets says

    Another good video Ted.
    I think it's great that you give us amateur photographers the opportunity to show our work.
    The best thing about this is that you can see that there are many good photographers, including those who work as "amateur".
    Look forward to your mail day every time.
    I'm curious what you will serve us on Monday.
    Greetings from the Netherlands, Toine

  13. Phil Knall says

    Watching people unbox with big knives like that always makes me nervous…

  14. Rodney Brown says

    u and that knife….LOL

  15. David Kado says

    I tell you what gets me. Pretty pictures are loved but controversial or upsetting pictures are dismissed. I’m confused, I thought art wasn’t bias?

  16. Cora Allen says

    I was up at Reunion Tower not long ago and if you haven't been in a while they have these interactive displays all along the geo-deck where you can look at the local landmarks and Randal Ford took every picture they use to showcase them! (this one was my favorite from the ones they use Those photos were amazing and it's so cool to see his other works, I had no idea he was in Austin!

  17. Justin Arend says

    The question is; who is Caterana?

  18. Paul Ng says

    That Animal Kingdom book is dynamite! #collab

  19. Twelve31 says

    good stuff Ted!

  20. Tremendous, that you are featuring the printed work of some very creative photographers.

  21. kelly hh says

    This might be the most consistently enjoyable and informative channel I've subscribed to. Thanks, Ted.

  22. Geoff Allen says

    Loved this batch. Good job all around to everyone featured.

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