Create Facebook 3D Photo From ANY photo in Photoshop! – Easy!


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In this video I will show you how you can easily create a 3D photo for your Facebook posts from any photos that you want.
All you need to do is to create a good depth map.
Make sure that you name your depth maps exactly the same as the image with the “_depth” as a suffix
For example:
Image name is “MyImage.jpg”
Depth map is “MyImage_depth.jpg”

Have fun!


➤My Photoshop brushes:

➤ FREE TRIAL of the BEST MUSIC for YouTube:


➤Here is the list of equipment that I use:

Tablet that I recommend for beginners:
My Super awesome camera bag:
Camera for tutorial recording:
Microphone for tutorial recording:
Wireless microphone system:
My MAIN camera:
Second camera:

Drone Mavic 2 Pro:
GoPro 2:
My Everyday camera bag:


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  1. Cee says

    Thanks 👍🏽

  2. Ke.7 Langit says

    To much talk. We need action. 😐

  3. calistoo1 says

    hi great tutorial i try to make it with a person picture but i keep having a line a round the person , why is that?

  4. Rajat Pandey says

    I did exactly what u told, but did not work on facebook. 3d option did not pop up, pls help

  5. Iwwn Loli says

    can we stack the depth map

  6. arist8989 says


  7. Kemal Güneş says

    wow i will try this, thanks

  8. Kraka says

    Сјајно! Као и увек. 😉

  9. Design Shortcut says

    This one is advanced! great tutorial. I have made an app too but it is so simple that can only limited for Text:

  10. Arturo Toledo says

    Video starts @5:00

  11. jack line says

    thank you ! really awesome !

  12. قبل 7 سنوات says

    Super videos and powerful designer

  13. Igor Martis says

    Piximperfect gives you good idea 😉

  14. LupoHD says

    Love your tutorials, but you talk/explain to much XD

  15. Ghost ID says

    Jesus STFU . just get to the point .

  16. vitoBelas says

    Easy, but I need 22 min to explain, get to the point!

  17. Daniel Quiroz says


  18. nashmkd says

    Hvala care. Odlican video tut, kao i uvek. Keep up the good work. Cheers

  19. GKOALA7 says

    I was looking through your facebook page and I saw this beautiful image. I've been wanting to do something similar to it. Could you please do a tutorial on how to make this image? Thank you.

  20. Bla Bla BLa Majice Bla Bla says

    Svaka cast pre svega na znanju i kreativnosti a i na strpljenu tokom objasnjavanja…Fotosop je mnogo laksi uz ovakvu pomoc… 🙂

  21. Neil Shaw says

    Hi Nemanja. This question relates more to something you did in today's episode rather than the 3d aspect…… When I upload to Instagram I tend to just click file, then save as and then PNG and save it. Then send to phone and then Instagram……….. what is the difference if I was to save for web instead?

  22. GKOALA7 says

    2:09 – What font did you use at this time stamp? ("2 months for FREE")

  23. robidado says

    Djubre 😀

  24. Duplo Sentido says

    Start in 5:22 lol

  25. Luis Miguel González Pérez says

    Thank you so much for make this video tutorial, I wanted to learn to make a photo in 3d in photoshop a long time ago but I could never, thanks for your videos, they are very interesting

  26. Miguel Suarez says

    Very Cool. Thanks man

  27. nixland says

    My first try is successful. The second try for different photos got an error "failed to create …". Any hint why? Thanks

  28. Andrei C says

    Cool effect but unnecessary long and complicated tutorial.

  29. mark lucero says

    Supp Good editing can i suggest that can you create like inserting yourself in a celebrity thanks

  30. Dee Bee says

    Up to date video. Perfect 😀

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