Pricing Your Prints – How I do it…



If you need high quality prints, especially in the UK, check out Klein Imaging:

This video is about how I price my prints. It’s a topic a lot of photographers, myself included, struggle with.

As I explain in this video I think the best place to start is to find a good printer, learn about fine art papers and other materials as well as the logistics, and get an understanding of the costs. From there, it’s much easier to work out a fair price for your work.

Any questions let me know!



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Panasonic G9:
Panasonic G80/G85:
Panasonic 12-35 2.8 II:
Panasonic 35-100 2.8 II:
Panasonic 20mm:
Nikon D750:
Tamron 24-70:
Canon G9X:
Big Tripod:
Little Tripod:
Video/selfie tripod:
Messenger Bag (Sandstone):
Red camera strap:
Shotgun Mic:
Mic stand:
Hard Drives:
Video Lights:
Small video Light:
Tiny Softbox:
Lav Mic:

  1. Edward Fielding says
  2. Inner Vortex says

    Thanks for the info. Shouldnt you WATERMARK your work, before posting online ?

  3. Lee Cy says

    Hi James, Thanks for the video very informative. Who designed your website?

  4. MrBooojangles says

    Hi James, that's very useful information to me, thanks mate. I've been trying to find out those figures online and this is the first time it's clear in my head about pricing stuff. Also a very informative video about print sizes you did too. A few things I'd like to ask is, do you insure your prints when you ship them? Do you send them in poster tubes or ready framed? Is it worth selling images on canvas and other mediums? Also I live in the Channel Islands and shipping from here is dearer then in the UK and printing here is probably dearer then in the UK. Should I use a printer in the UK or do you recommend me always sticking with a printer where I live?

  5. jonah hoff says

    I printed some photos for the first time and my grandma was the first to offer to buy them.

    Shit, now I'm gonna spend a bunch of time worrying about what my price is cause I don't want to rip off my own grandmother

  6. K Lewis says

    James – the size of the actual image you've taken makes a difference in printing, right? Could you elaborate on that? For instance, you mentioned offering a huge print (48' wide)….what was the size of the actual photo you took with your camera? For you other size prints, what were the sizes of the actual photos you took with your camera? What are best practices for the size you shoot in relation to printing them in various sizes?

  7. Lectii de Fotografie says

    What kind of size prints are selling better? A4/A3 or bigger?

  8. Judi Christopher says

    You only showed the name of the paper you
    use for a "SPLIT" second… ??? Why?
    but… I love this video and it was great…
    Thank you for sharing this…

  9. G.T. B. says

    Love thissssss video lol

  10. drutgat2 says

    My Dad was an art dealer (giving me a taste for all the stuff I cannot afford, Picasso, Leger and so on). I once asked him how he knew what a painting or sculpture was worth. His answer to me (somewhat tongue in cheek) was, "It's worth what people will pay for it". Sage words. I also learned from him (and later for my brief photography career) that people new to selling their work tend to under=price it, and that buyers are often suspicious of grossly under-priced work.

  11. Michael Forbes says

    Not sure if that's level.

  12. gary zaborowski says

    I considered doing this myself, but thought that it was too simple. How do you pick which prints will be limited?

  13. Ian Davis says

    Very informative, many thanks. I owe you a beer.

  14. Mark Leo says

    Are there a lot of landscaping photo buyers in uk? I have seen many YouTube videos from uk talking about selling them

  15. Torpy Media says

    It's would be weird not to have your own prints in your own living room. My photos are nowhere near as impressive and I have my own prints hanging up.

  16. Doede Boomsma says

    @1:40 So familiar what you tell about hanging your own work on your own wall…

  17. David Smith says

    Brilliant ,but I have a dilemma,when you use the rough arty paper (I use the Innova smooth cotton 315gm ) I’ve noticed you place plastic in front of it ,I know in this case it’s for your own house and it maybe in this case a lustre finish . But to those who buy it do they mount it without placing the print behind glass/acrylic if so won’t you lose some of the texture ! I’ve been experimenting with photo panels where the print in all its texture is placed on a self adhesive backing .So the texture and detail is seen in all its glory ,however it’s a bit exposed to the elements and has to be handled with care ,a trade off I suppose . Any ideas?
    Thanks ,Dave

  18. Hawaii Loves Art says

    I bought a printer just like that brand new for $3200 in the USA. Still have it 7 years later and it has paid for itself multiple times.

  19. Chris Santos says

    how are you liking the hanuemebshahahba paper 😂. still liking it? I'm about to test it out. I've been loving some Kodak metallic paper lately

  20. My Opinion says


  21. John Guillaume says

    Are you using Squarespace for your site? Looks good! I like the ability to show the different sizes over the sofa, etc.

  22. Gary Stewart says

    Better not be wanky to put your own work in your house because my house is covered in my own photos.

  23. Rip Lips says

    James good stuff man!! I love your channel and your a damn comedian!! HAHA

  24. Tim Wilson says

    Question: You are using at least 3 different formats (5:4, 3:2, 4:3) of the same image, meaning each print format is going to be slightly different in regards to what is on the print. Why not settle on a max of 2 formats (the 3:2 for example can go from 4×6 up to 40×60 and it's the same exact image)

  25. Scott Waldron says

    Great video as usual. Oh yeah… I know that feeling about background noises when trying to record audio. I've literally gone to a local park before to record voiceover in my car, haha. ** TRAINS (among other noises)

  26. Felix Siewert says

    love your videos, they have always a certain character, your sarcastic dry humor is great! ;D

  27. Michael Romagnoli says

    How do you figure out your costs? Particularly if it is a landscape or something like that? I took a trip (my own idea – not hired or anything) and came up with a great photo that a few people want to buy…..if I charged what the trip cost, the price would be unreasonable!

  28. Joseph Daniels says

    Great work man

  29. savas biq says

    James, like ur vlogs, every single day coming to youtube to check, did you post something or not, keep doing what you do buddy!

  30. Jörg Siegwarth says

    Man, I like your style of video creating.

  31. Tiago Pereira says

    nicely done mate! Insightfull, good starting point!

  32. DebbyAbqNM says

    15 Grand PLUS a never ending stream of supplies (ink), paper, repairs… Rather like buying a car. Better to let a pro printer do it. I don't know if pro can write it off taxes like in the USA, as a business expense, but I'm sure there are ways that the pro printer makes it worth his/her and your while. As for your work on your wall — great! And why not do that? Shows you are rightly proud of your work. But I hope no sunlight comes through that window and harms the photo.

  33. Tim Mark says

    How do you deal with that nasty reflection due to the plexi glass. Thats my biggest problem now.

  34. Jeroen Vroegop says

    Jason, why did you moved to that noisy area, and how long are they still planning to go on?
    Not that I mind (it makes your videos a bit more funny).
    Are you going to do a 'ask me anything' video one's? I sunseraly would like that, and perhaps your other viewers also 😁

  35. TalkingMagicTaco says

    Thank you James for the great content. Not only are you entertaining but your art is really amazing. I just ordered a limited edition of High Life, it'll be my first piece and I'm really excited, so again I thank you sir.

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