HOW I LEARNED PHOTOGRAPHY – Tips & Advice For Beginners


How I learned photography, including tips/advice for beginners or anyone who wants to take better photos. I’m so excited for this series and poured a ton of hours & soul into the first episode. It’s such a joy sharing this passion with you. Thank you for being here.
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In this video we discuss:
1. How I started learning photography without formal education
2. Number one thing to start training for when learning photography
3. Importance of building a creative network
4. Where to find local photographers to shoot with
5. Gaining confidence with your camera
6. Free photography resources/tutorials to learn from
7. Final advice for starting photographers

Hey travel bugs, editing this one gave me all types of feels, especially the end. Hope you enjoyed it and it provided you value. Give it a big thumbs up!

I’m still a student and learning daily. But I’d love to bring you along with me so we can create together. Hugs, sending positive vibes your way!

Resources mentioned:

→ ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed Image
→ Creator Class videos on Aperture & more

List of camera equipment:
→ First camera:
→ First fancy lens:
→ Second camera:
→ Second lens:
→ Vlogging camera:

People who’ve helped/me through my photography journey (check them out & follow!):
Leo: @shotbyleo
Karen: @iamkareno
Adrienne: @adrienney
Jaclyn: @lejaclyn
Cyrus: @cyruscgct
Justine: @0h.j
Daniel: @dfvbio
Eza: @ezachung
Cameron: @camnova
Anson: @ns0n
Jimmy: @jholman23
Joanne: @_j.wong
David: @d.leong
Shannon: @shannomnom
Linda: @linhda
Kelsey: @heykelseyj
Cory: @coryiander

Let’s connect:

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My Vlogging Equipment →

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Tunes: cheesecake — eric tang
Stories We Tell Ourselves – Analogue Dear

  1. Adolfo Usier says


  2. Ms. Queen B. B says

    Thank you so much. Your advice has convinced me to pursue photograph.

  3. Adam Hamaoui says

    Stumbled upon this site, I reluctantly bought their Landscape & Nature Photography course and it was awesome! I highly recommend it to all other aspiring photographers! 🙂 @t

  4. Travels By Trike says

    Thanks for this video – it's what I needed to hear. I've been traveling for 12 years and, slowly, developed a real love of photography and video. Mostly, I've been shooting wildly everyday. Over time, I started to see many more details, angles and play more with light. Over the years, I never understood why I would invest in expensive gear just to upload 1080p compressed videos to YouTube that were going to be viewed on small, crappy screens. But recently, I realized it's not about how others are going to view my stuff, it's about what I want to create. The OMD M1 Mii is a gorgeous camera. It's as if no matter what you shoot it comes out interesting and beautiful. Who doesn't want to make and view beautiful footage? Thanks, again! You've got a delightful style, best of luck!!

  5. Ezra V says

    Such a kind and humble soul you are. The vibrations you exude are so high I can feel them! You're very aware of your surroundings, especially the way you talk about other people is all positivity and gratitude. Keep up this up, because you're a natural and seeing all the comments here, we enjoy it.

  6. Rah Mos says

    Let me start off by saying there are a bunch of excellent insights in your video that I loved! What really made me flinch was when you said the people that get started as creatives do so because they have "good taste"! My dear, that is so spot on! I have wanted to say that to many people before but, wasn't sure if it would sound arrogant. You've gained a subscriber!

  7. Morgan Lunch says

    You have taught me a lot😀

  8. Miguel Gonzalez says

    Glad to hear that I'm not the only tech biz worker who needs a creative outlet and found it in photography. 🙂

  9. Jonagry's World says

    love to watch to your trave vlog

  10. Cat kills it says

    I want to start a photography business I have a good eye. What is a good camera to start with?

  11. William Williams says

    I'm only just commenting on a YouTube video of sort.
    Thank you so much for the tips
    I hand a pen and paper 🤗😃

  12. Candy Diaz says

    awesome video… Thanks for posting..

  13. Cinthya Razo says

    What a gem! So grateful to have found this video. Both inspirational and helpful. Thank you 🙏🏻

  14. shanne deane says

    Great video

  15. Hamza Akram says

    IPhone have no manual option in camera to control ISO, Aperature,… 🙂

  16. Jessica Love says

    I'm about to get my first camera and this was a really great video of advice.

  17. Few Steps To Go says

    Love from india… You have two hearts ❤❤ …😍

  18. Mike D. says

    Serious hottie alert!

  19. Alex Vasquez says

    Thank you for this. That quote really hit home.

  20. Keshab Raj Chhtery says

    Which camera is best for photography.??

  21. KC Stone says

    This is so perfect! The quote at the end is exactly what I needed, I never think my pictures or my videos are enough! I'll get there one day though!

  22. Emily Beatriz says

    I am going exactly how u grew up

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