The Best Food Photography Backgrounds ON A BUDGET!


Hey guys! Today I’m showing you my new secret weapon in my food photography, my vinyl food photography backgrounds. If you’ve ever wondered what the hype is about these, then make sure you check out today’s video!

Read the full post here:

Background store: Capture By Lucy:

Backgrounds Featured in Video:

Concrete Floor
Grey Stone Walls

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THIS VIDEO IS NOT SPONSORED. All backgrounds were purchased myself.

Some of the above links are affiliate links which means if you click them and then make a purchase, I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you! Thank you for supporting That’s Sage!

  1. Oh My Grill says

    I wish I wasn't in the US! But exploring some US alternatives! I have one actual wood made backdrop but it is huge, heavy and hard to clean! I would love these!

  2. Soul in the Raw says

    Beautiful!! What are your plates? I love them!!!

  3. Susanne Geert says

    Hi Lauren! Do you have an update to which backdrops from CBL you like ( and maybe also if you bought some that you find a bit harder to use for food photography – would be very helpful)? I am just about to order some and wiuld appreciate your input;-) Thanks a lot, Lauren!

  4. Bob Johnston says

    More content and a little less chat would be great.

  5. Elena Stanciu says

    I just placed my order for Concrete Floor, yei!!!!

  6. Franziska Koch says

    wow! recently found your account and your videos / photos are gorgeous! As you said in some of your videos – if we have questions we should reach out to you – so here is mine: What software do you use to edit your videos and to create this cool intros / outros and smooth transitions? Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge πŸ™‚

  7. Matthew Austrie says

    I have been looking for some backgrounds so very happy i came across your video! Liked and subbed πŸ™‚ P.s I'd like to pick up one of those necklaces for my other half, where did you get yours from?

  8. Puja Shenoy says

    Thats a great video! didnt know vinyl backgrounds could look so good! Do you think you could do a tutorial on how you made the food chopping video bit.. thanks a tonne! Love your Channel!

  9. Michelle Cox Photography says

    Love knowing which kinds of inexpensive backgrounds are good. I dont do food photography but i always love these for flat lays!

  10. Ali Al-Khateb says

    thanks for the videos they are great, but I have one question. what about light reflections on the background when shooting from a 45 or any other lower angle ?

  11. Andrea Tiziano Farinati says

    That's great! Thak you so much for ur video.

  12. kin lee says

    is that a fake lavalier mic? the video sounds like you are using the internal mic of the camera.

  13. FabFood4All says

    I have a few of Lucy's backdrops including the azure, they make such a difference to my shoots:-)

  14. Steve Healy says

    Enjoyed the video. With the grey backing you can add tor own textures (if you have some) using Photoshop/Layers/Blend mode. Generally Multiply, Screen or Overlay. You can paint out the effect from areas where you don't want it

  15. Nijhum akter says

    Hi,where i can buy this backdrops?and how much is that?

  16. Liva Chowdhury says

    Can you mentioned all the name of your backgrounds please

  17. Roberta D says

    i'm obsessed with Lucy πŸ˜‚ but i never had the chance to buy the backdrops T__T lack of money, currently. can't wait to buy them

  18. ocgirltw says

    shipping to US is kinda expensive πŸ™

  19. Carrie Ann Kouri says vinyl backgrounds arrived today – so excited!!! Thanks, Lauren!!!

  20. Ana SenyFoto says

    Amazing video, a lot of work. You are great al photo and video. thanks for shariing

  21. When We Explore says

    We love the first photo on the white concrete backdrop! Aesthetically pleasing

  22. Alessandra F. says

    You and Joanie Simon from "The Bite Shot" are driving me crazy with this vinyl backgrounds!!! I think I'll order some soon!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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