Los Angeles City Guide for Photographers


This video was sponsored by Google in honor of National Small Business Week. Let us know your favorite local small business in the comments below and show some appreciation for them with the hashtag #SmallThanks and review them on Google to help them out.

Thanks to Twenty Stories LA for being a part of this video! Check them out at


All photos edited with OUR NEW PHOTO PRESETS:

Music from the video:
Everybody Get Up by Gran Torino
Chocolate Brownie by Sweet Desires
Safe Travels by Theevs Music
Latino Dream by Ilya Truhanov
Lady Luck by Rex Banner
Sneaky Business by Biz Baz Studio



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This video was graded using Mango Street LUTs:

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  1. Jordan Thomas says

    This was dope! I just moved to LA and naturally I was looking for LA Youtubers for recommendations on things to see. Well done.

  2. DJDPAK says

    This is amazing! Thank u so much

  3. Eric James says

    Seasons 1-7 of The Office 🙌🏽

  4. LA Photo Team says

    These shots are everything!

  5. Gerald Sardar says

    Love you both !! Thanks

  6. Freddy Perez says

    "And check out the closes thing LA has to stargazing" ahaha SO TRUE!!

  7. Madeha says

    I live in LA and I find it to be one of the hardest place to photograph. It’s just not my feel I guess. 😪 and then not having the ability to travel.. SUCKS!

  8. Gilad Zinman says

    Why do they assume they aren’t my first favorite YouTube channel.

  9. Flying Kiwi Kid says

    These titles are the coolest things I've ever seen! Can you do a tutorial on them?! Or link somewhere that does, thank you

  10. Rodrigo Lozoya says

    Can you do another one of these!??!!? I live in Highland Park so I tried those out but what about Hollywood, the Westside or the beach? Thank you!

  11. Keshav Dulal says

    You guys are my 2nd favorite Youtube channel ❤️

  12. Leon Bernhofer says

    where you got these titles from?

  13. Bradley Atom says

    Hahahaha, “you’re gonna love the material.” I heard the accent, definite Garden State reference. Kudos

  14. Jeanne Canto says

    "Recommending Squarespace" hahahahaha

  15. Jonathon Newton says

    Catching up on all the videos I''ve missed while being away with work… THIS IS AMAZING!!! My future wife and I will be heading over to LA during our honeymoon in November.
    Move over Lonely Planet… this here, is the perfect guide!

  16. Vinny Rogmans says

    The editing in this one is so good!

  17. heythisistiana says

    saving this for when I visit LA next year

  18. Farzia Karim says

    What second favourite YouTube channel?? Who do you think is first?? You guys ARE the best channel on YouTube, and there's no way around it!

  19. Emmi Grullon says

    thank you so much for this awesome and very informative video of some great locations in LA to shoot… you guys are freaking awesome 🙂

  20. Ben G says

    can I really accomplish all these things in one day with how bad the traffic is?

  21. Maxine Mason says

    UK or USA version of the office? Your filming and editing are awesome and this makes me want to come to LA! Would you share some simple tips for video beginners? Thanks

  22. Aditya Mathur says

    Lower grand reminds me of Lana del rey's white mustang

  23. Sheyqow Njoroge says

    This was needed!

  24. Nate Bailey says

    Who here knows LA Grand from GTA V?

  25. Brian Pawlowskis says

    Mango street, what’s your opinion on mirrorless? Is there a reason you haven’t switched yet? I’m currently shooting on a canon sl2, and I feel I’m ready to go full frame. However I’m so torn on whether I should stick with canon or get me one of them Sony’s. Please help me I’m not ready to make this decision on my own😩

  26. Kris m says

    This is one of the most aesthetically pleasing videos… and I've seen lot of top 10 travel videos.

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