How To Recreate An Image Of A Black Hole


Wondering where the Event Horizon Telescope is at with the world’s first photo of a black hole? So are we. We headed back to MIT Haystack Observatory to find out.

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Event Horizon Telescope

MIT Haystack Observatory

Journey into a Schwarzschild black hole

The simplest kind of black hole is a Schwarzschild black hole, which is a black hole with mass, but with no electric charge, and no spin. Karl Schwarzschild discovered this black hole geometry at the close of 1915, within weeks of Einstein presenting his final theory of General Relativity.

Black Hole Hunters

Known as the Event Horizon Telescope, named after the point of no return in a black hole, its job was to see what has been until now unseeable: an exquisitely small, dark circle of nothing, a tiny shadow in the glow of radiation at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

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  1. Avinash Kumar says

    Why always c^2 , not c^3……?

  2. Stardust says


  3. Arjun Jha says

    And now we have seen it 👀❤

  4. Miki Zonozomi says

    No problem, just use a Nokia phone to take the picture.

  5. Sahil Raza says

    We have an image now

  6. Ida Clementson says


  7. Seeker says

    Did you fall into a warp in space-time and end up here after April 2019? Check out our update!

  8. Exoticclass says

    Lol they have the picture now. Now this video is useless.

  9. İbrahim says
  10. Apptor says

    Welp, boy have I some news for you…

  11. 5351 says

    Not anymore

  12. Aliens Vs Predator Gaming says


  13. -MeinJuaco- says

    This got old fast xd

  14. Hamza El Yesri says

    we have it now

  15. PieFlavr says

    Well then

  16. Hoss says

    Sometimes I think I'm smart but then I watch shit like this

  17. llaxvyy says

    We do now..

  18. EquestriaGuy says

    click video
    sort by new

  19. HEJ HEEEJ says

    We have now lol

  20. Armadillo says

    Everyone: "Why Don’t We Have a Photo of a Black Hole Yet?"
    Katie Bouman: "Hold my beer"

  21. Samiran Thakuria says

    Well now we do ✌🏻

  22. Min3gam3r156 says

    And we got the photos


  23. Siddharth Roy says

    Well now we have 2 images yessssss

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