1. Peggy Stevinson Bair says

    Thank you for a pretty darned comprehensive video. There are a lot of ways to handle the many variety of on-location situations and I'm glad you were able to address so many ideas.

  2. Radu Stefan says

    Great video! Thank you for all this information!

  3. Ail'enduril says

    old but gold

  4. Tony Huy says

    Man this video boy look so much like Tom bradly from New England,,,,his twin brother,,🥴😳😳🤪🤪😎😎

  5. Debbie Major Photography says

    I understand your theory about setting up lights around the room at the reception, but there is always that drunk person that is going to trip over the light stand and cause your light to fall over, even if you have a sand bag to weight it down!

  6. Semko Balcerski says

    I never use flash, because it disturbs every single person, every single time a picture is taken …and it is not about me nor it is about photography – It is about an authentic coverage of events.

  7. Sachin Shukla says

    Very helpful episode thank you

  8. Saske Lee Photography says

    Thank God for 2018, so much has change. I now do this with the Godox system. Thanks for sharing

  9. FelixGA9 says

    These guys are funny always trying to make their photos “more professional “. You may want to consider picking up some mathellini clamps and some photodiox China balls. Looking at your results are you guys known as the bags under the eyes wedding photographers?

  10. Francesco Sisto says

    Thank you, ! So useful! And even better, He is using a D600, my camera! 🙂

  11. Nice Visions says

    What should the power level of the off camera flashes be set to? And your not bouncing them off the ceiling? They’re facing directly to the crowd?

  12. Good job guys. From Russia with love.

  13. Todd Lavigne says

    brilliant just show the competition how to shoot like you
    this why most photographers are struggling

  14. VIDEO&MUSICEditor says

    I do wedding videogarphy so want to know where I can find setup when recording ceremony with 2 or 3 camcorder, where to set it up. thank you.

  15. VIDEO&MUSICEditor says

    Hi, how about the ceremony with 2 or 3 cameras?

  16. Tamar Shugert says

    One of the most informative videos. Thanks

  17. David Graeme-Baker says

    Interesting and very comprehensive. I don't really shoot weddings professionally (except for friends) but I have had to do many 'mass events' in the past and one thing I never do is put lights on stands: NEVER !!
    People drink at receptions, people become unsteady, distracted and a danger to themselves and everything around them.
    Lighting stands are a hazard you definitely do not want – think of the legal angle when your tumbling speed lite wipes out the bride ! Will your insurance cover you ?
    In situations like that I have always gone into the venue early and CLAMPED lights up high onto existing features and added a safety chain or cord if for some reason the clamp fails. It does restrict your placement but you are safe in the knowledge that you're not going to kill a guest.

  18. Daneesha Williams says

    Thank you so much for this video! It was so informative! I am currently looking into getting a second speedlight flash, but the flash transmitter that I have now goes on top of my camera without a second hot shoe to connect my flash to the camera as well. Ideally, I would love to be able to have a flash on top of my camera while still having flashes that I can leave around the room to trigger, but I'm not sure how I would do this – especially in a way that is somewhat inexpensive as I am only starting out. I have a Canon DSLR. Any suggestions?

  19. Jacqueline Jackson says

    That was a great video tutorial. I have weddings for the next 3 weeks and I'm excited to try some of these techniques……I'll update you as to what happened

  20. tkarlmann says

    In your four lights setup, how could you have all those light stand feet in the way like that? Do you really do it that way? How do you tell everyone not to trip over the stands?

  21. Avrora says

    Thank you guys ! Your video is very helpful! I have the strobe Flashpoint Xplor and 1 speedlight Canon 430. Is this enough for me to start? Do I have to place these two lights in different angles? Or flash on the camera, and the strobe in the hall?

  22. Mohan Murugesan says

    Thanks. Great tips.

  23. Heart Weddings Photography says

    This video is really out of date with speed lights being wireless and control over output via the camera trigger

  24. jupamoers says

    Can you use the pop up flash as well?
    So many photographers don't advise to ever use it but I got good experience with the pop up flash. My camera is the Canon EOS Rebel t3 and I don't have an external flash

  25. Stan Proudlock says

    What kind of zoom do you put on the flash that is used for flare and lighting the back ( the kicker lights at 3.30 )

  26. Felix Arias says

    What its the best aperture for wedding reception ? Thank yiu God bless

  27. Mc Gyver says

    OMG! I can't for the love of God find someone who uses ON camera flash and OFF camera flash at the same time in the event. I've been searching how to do it. Can you guys please tell me how to setup ON camera flash and OFF camera flash. Do I need 2 transceivers? I just don't understand the hook up in the camera and how to trigger the others while my flash is in my camera hot shoe?

  28. salsa4u Moudrik says

    Hi you can put continue light also, colored light , it can give nice result , isn t it?

  29. Cindi Cox says

    Thank you!  I've been so afraid to use light because I didn't understand it with kickers, OCF and Umbrellas…but now I feel confident giving this a try!  Thank you!!!

  30. Andrew Kenseth says

    Excellent video! What wires are you running on your pocket wizards?

  31. Daniella Gomez says

    All of the info is extremely helpful thank you so much. But Lee Morris, it is kinda impossible to concentrate on what were you saying with that perfect face… Just saying.

  32. mar1video says

    Q-Flashes for TTL , otherwise manual

  33. DaveSincere says

    This video is GOLD!!!

    Just what I needed. I'm trying to learn event photography lighting.

  34. naslisntxaij says

    Very knowledgeable and informative.

  35. Ivan Figueroa says

    I don't let the wireless receptor dangling, I just use a cold shoe to a clamp to the tripod.

  36. Marcelo MyRideNY says

    Thanks for the video, are you using TTL speedlights?

  37. Norma Aguayo says

    very good tutorial..thanks guys.

  38. Michael Miller says

    Thanks. I was thinking in terms of straight up. Have to make sure I watch the angle.

  39. Sarah Powell says

    thank you for the video. I would like to try this but am worried about what the guests are going to feel when the flashes are going off all of the time. Do you notice that they are annoyed at all?

  40. Michael Miller says

    If you are bouncing off the ceilings with any type of lights, without an on camera flash, wouldn't you be getting a lot of bad shadows under the eyes?

  41. NaturallyOnPoint says

    what strobe light did you use?

  42. The Hammerdown says

    can I use soft boxes cause I don't have the set up u have. only one speed light.

  43. Johnallyn de los Santos says

    Very nice lighting,what is the best lenses to use in the reception?

  44. The Ballards says

    Do you have links to the pocket wizard and kicker lights you use?

  45. Jason Mays says

    Amazing video!!

  46. Justin Case says

    This was great. confirmed a few things I was already using and I learned some new tricks as well.

  47. John D Pappas says

    Totally appreciate every element of your explanations and demonstrations. Having recently purchased a Sony a6500, couldn't figure out how I was going to use my Pocket Wizard Plus III along with my manual LumoPro LP180. After a brief chat with one of the Sony Artisans, he mentioned using the pc sync port on the flash to fire the Pocket Wizard…and sure enough, just as I realize you show dangling from your camera, it works…hopefully as well as I'm going to be shooting a wedding this weekend with almost the same set up. Thanks for some really great tips and recommendations!

  48. 715 MEDIA says

    anyone else notice he looks like Tom Brady???

  49. Chumleys says

    This was an excellent video. My wife and I just shot our first dance; a high school prom, in a barn. Boy was that a learning experience, lol! We only had on camera flash. At first the pictures were horrible, to bright no ambient at all. Finally I figured out to increase my ISO, and lower the flash. That got much better results. Then, by happy accident, I took a shot with the dance lights as a kicker, which looked awesome and dramatic. After that we had good results. If only we had watched this video first! We could have brought some umbrellas, which had and left at home, sigh.

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