editing professional photos on a $3 phone app


Instead of retouching and editing in Photoshop, I edit my professional photos using a $3.99 editing app on my iphone – Facetune.



  1. Achkih Nawfal says


  2. Sumon Sarker says

    Nice edit

  3. Valeria Winn says

    0:10 look at the hand of the guy playing the guitar on the tshirt

  4. Tyler McLaughlin says

    It would be so cool to see a part two!! really enjoyed this concept.

    XO, Tyler

  5. the cookiematch says

    I totally love your sarcasm 😀

  6. Huma Ijaz says

    Watch a james charles tutorial 😛

  7. dizastr says

    you should look at fans photos again! <3

  8. dizastr says

    Facetune is free on android

  9. TrueCrimeRIP says

    LAME you didnt even look at the app beforehand?

  10. Theresa Marah says

    I love the facetune edits

  11. Jenni Vee says

    Wish you took this seriously instead of being shady.

  12. camila suarez says

    I love the song

  13. TheSmeagol630 says

    This is very amusing stuff….but please…if you will be punching in to your face often…please shoot in 4K.

  14. Rosy Cheeks says

    You look and talk like a Puerto Rican lol

  15. isabel s says

    wow u used that smooth tool wayyyyy too much like way too much

  16. sommer foley says

    You should do a review on PicsArt. It's pretty decent. I've used it for a few years, just when I need to do a quick edit or I'm just bored and want to create something crazy.

  17. Kaveer Padayachee says

    James Charles is shook

  18. gogobebe says

    why do you look like that one fish from fish tales

  19. Beatriz Pozos says

    The 2nd model is so pretty 😍

  20. Beatriz Pozos says

    You can decrease the opacity you swipe left and right

  21. Noelle Hampton says

    You should try Pixlr, ps loved the video, I laughed the whole time😂❤️

  22. alex hannan says

    I like this video. There’s a ton of other apps out there to try.


    I’d love to see more just for the fun of it.

  23. Joey Whitley says

    You should try retouching using adobe’s photoshop fix, its FREE and the editing is SO much better

  24. Jessica Ramirez says

    James Charles is shaking

  25. N C says

    What program do you use on your computer to edit?

  26. Jess kater says

    What filter do you use on the video

  27. Rowin DC says

    I only use Snapseed. The best free mobile editing app. Check my works (@winjayro on ig)

  28. tommy s says

    It's ok i have a lot of free time i don't have friends hahaha you kill me i love you Jessica great video keep up the good work.

  29. Ashley Bass says

    Jessica I would love to know your post processing from start to finish. I’m a new photographer teaching myself.

  30. Audrey Kaleba says

    Honestly I think the Facetune looked better, just because I like brighter photos and that’s how the Facetuned ones were

  31. Aparajita Prabhu says

    Part two! But I love the photoshop edits more😜

  32. Hóse Pedroza says

    What Photoshop app do you use on your laptop?

  33. Michael J says

    I’ve been using Facetune for years now, I need to get it back on my iPhone again.

  34. Nicole To says

    “Why did I go to skl”😂

  35. lovely ignorance says

    isn't facetune free?

  36. Oxana Guțu says

    You can decrease the opacity by moving your finger on the screen

  37. seventhseance says

    Can you do one for Facetune, Afterlight, VSCO, and PicsArt?

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