Why use a professional lab for printing your favorite photos?


Why Use a Pro lab for printing your favorite photography is a question I’m frequently asked. In this quick photo documentary I visit a professional photo lab where John at FitzLab answers my questions on this topic. We look at some printing results and discuss the following:

Why use a pro-lab over a small ink jet printer?
What professional papers are used and why?
How big can you print your images?
How do colors compare between printer types?
How long do prints last under normal lighting conditions?
How should you convert your photos for a pro lab – what’s best?

Thank you to John at contributing to this video.


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  1. Stancu Emil says

    Karl, have you ever worked on the Canson Infinity photo paper? If yes, what paper do you recommend for Wedding, Baptism and Civic Wedding photography. Thank you 🙂

  2. Tim Seward says

    This was excellent, really well done.

  3. Joe Hargreaves says

    Great information…. well done.

  4. Axel Anders says

    link in description is broken

  5. Hussain Khalaf says

    Hi Karl,
    How do store you Photography equipment's?
    like flashes, modifiers and stands
    do you have dedicated storage area? or is is just kept in your big studio?

    maybe you can do a video showing us your way of storing the equipment's


  6. Koray Bektas says

    Karl, is he too big or are you too small ? 🙂

  7. Mark Harris says

    As always a brilliant and informative video, I really appreciate that you neither talk down to nor patronise the viewer. I do have a question though, because of a health condition/disability I have I will never be able to commit myself to going down the usual route of starting off with weddings etc. I have to take my photos as and when I am able. I know you are a massively successful photographer and certainly incredibly talented. But could a newcomer, if the photos are good enough, expect to be able to sell enough prints from a website to make a living allowing for costing in this quality of printing. Obviously I'm intending using SquareSpace and I will be selling prints locally as well and I'm looking at microstock and stock photos as well.

  8. Sun Kyong Kim says

    Well I'm using pro printers from my school all the time and I really don't feel that I need to use a pro lab to print my works. I do all calibration by myself. Results are great and I don't think that pro lab is always useful. BUT, the price of printer, inks, and papers are really painful…

  9. Patrick Zasada says

    Thanks for the information! Do you know if it makes any sense to save pictures in ProPhotoRGB. My question is, if its possible to produce photoprints or inject prints with a larger colour space than Adobe RGB?

  10. Nicholas Fox says

    Definitely use a professional lab if you want quality results.

  11. Martin Turner says

    Great video! While I am not quite ready to create large prints, I now know a lot more than I did about the topic before watching this video; thanks, Karl. (BTW Love your theme music! :0) )

  12. Razor2048 says

    If it is a small photo, then it can be convenient to print at home, though there is value to just requesting a bunch of prints and getting a great image back where you simply don't have to think about much proofing, or tweaking. You essentially pay a price premium to not have the headache. You also don't get the worry about if the ink is looking a little low and if there will be any fading before you complete the print. I just wish the cost of good professionally done prints weren't so expensive, especially for less important prints (e.g., you want a print out of an extremely cute fox that you saw in the woods).

  13. EFD620G says

    As usual Karl you continue to inspire us to better results.Thank You

  14. Ian Maw says

    Excellent thanks.

  15. Elias Ali says

    you are my inspiration Karl
    your photos are amazing

  16. Christopher O'Grady says

    Hey Karl, I'm big on printing large C type pieces and use the 'Printspace' which is based in London. Do you think it's worth giving Fitzlab a try? Are they better than their competitors?

  17. David Tothill says

    Riveting …

  18. John Miles says

    "Its a pretty technical piece of kit all the gubbings inside of there"( 9.37) Love it Karl, only we Brits can get away with a sentence like that ha!.
    Great video really enjoyed the last one about preparing the for print ,thanks for these.

  19. Vaes Joren says

    I have one issue with printing. While I am proud of my images (at least some of them), every time I want to print, I see the price, and my mind thinks "I could get an extra battery for that" "That could get me that filter I've always wanted, imagine what shots I could take with that!".

  20. Ali Mowafaq says


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